My understanding is that the system with the SDIO hardware will write packets directly to shared memory, and thus will be unavailable to be read by the networking stack on the remote/virtual system.
But I will also admit that I started learning about DMA recently so I could be misunderstanding something crucial.
On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 9:25 AM Greg KH wrote:
On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 09:13:18AM -0400, Kyle Harding wrote:
Hey all, new member here!
As the subject line suggests, our development hardware does not support UniPro so we were looking at a guest kernel solution with TCP/IP
over gbridge.
However, one of the SDIO bus devices is a wifi module that requires DMA.
this possible over the current gb-netlink/gbridge to your knowledge?
Where is the DMA happening here? Across the network? Or on the system that actually has the SDIO device hardware? If the latter, you should be fine, right?
greg k-h