I am having issues using an LXC device within the multinode LAVA protocole/API. The job yaml gets validated, but it fails to run with the following error: Missing protocol 'lava-lxc' in ['lava-multinode']
Full yaml used can be found here: https://pastebin.com/BUsX0G0C
While searching for a fix I also found this email from a year ago, which wasn't answered (seems related): http://linaro-validation.linaro.narkive.com/mXhxhHqy/issues-with-lava-multin...
Thanks, Andrei
On Thursday 04 January 2018 08:31 PM, Andrei Gheorghiu wrote:
I am having issues using an LXC device within the multinode LAVA protocole/API. The job yaml gets validated, but it fails to run with the following error:
Missing protocol 'lava-lxc' in ['lava-multinode']
Full yaml used can be found here: https://pastebin.com/BUsX0G0C
Each role should have its lxc protocol defined which is missing in your job definition. See https://git.linaro.org/lava-team/refactoring.git/tree/lxc-multinode.yaml
A sample job run - https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/1664623
Thank You.