* No response on the CSL patches I posted to the ml yet * khem says someone (other than me) needs to try them
* Linaro binary toolchain * Runs on Oneiric-X86_64 after installing lsb-core (interpreter: /lib/ld-lsb.so.3) * The do_rootfs tasks fails with runtine dependecy issues when using the external-linaro-toolchain_arm-2011.11.bb recipe. When re-using my CSL 2011.03 recipe with the linaro toolchain the error doesn't show up - strange. * OE-Core build gets confused by the (arm-linux-gnueabi-)pkg-config of the external linaro toolchain. As a workaround I just renamed this script. * The qemuarm MACHINE configuration uses "-march=armv5te -mno-thumb" Since the linaro toolchain defaults to thumb and -mno-thumb has no effect some inline assemblies are failing (i.e. on the umull insn). GNU #47930 suggests using -marm instead -> OE-Core patch posted. * Got the core-image-minimal to build, but it doesn't run yet (I suspect some basic runtime dependencies like libc again) * The build of the sato image fails (seems libtool and/or C++ related - need to investigate)
Regards Ken