[Activity] [LLVM-542] Compiling zephyr with clang - Prepared for presentation/discussion with colleagues at Connect next week. - Made the installation process a bit more repeatable - Added support for -Oz
[Intel-CET] patches to LLD (similar to BTI) - Code-owner has redesigned the patches and they look a lot better and more likely to go in. Shouldn't be too difficult to build BTI on top of.
[LLVM-523] .ARM.exidx redesign - Now committed, and has stuck for at least a day without needing to be reverted.
Linaro Connect - Preparations for hack room - Gave dry run of presentation for Doughnuts. Will need to cut out some material to get through in time.
Next week: At Linaro Connect Then at EuroLLVM Then most likely on holiday for remainder of that week.