On Fri, 12 Jun 2020 18:49:34 +0200 Andrea Mayer andrea.mayer@uniroma2.it wrote:
- /* shared_tables:
* count how many distinct tables does not comply with the
* strict mode requirement.
* shared_table value must be 0 in order to switch to strict mode.
* example of evolution of shared_table:
* | time
* add vrf0 --> table 100 shared_tables = 0 | t0
* add vrf1 --> table 101 shared_tables = 0 | t1
* add vrf2 --> table 100 shared_tables = 1 | t2
* add vrf3 --> table 100 shared_tables = 1 | t3
* add vrf4 --> table 101 shared_tables = 2 v t4
* shared_tables is a "step function" (or "staircase function")
* and is increased by one when the second vrf is associated to a table
* at t2, vrf0 and vrf2 are bound to table 100: shared_table = 1.
* at t3, another dev (vrf3) is bound to the same table 100 but the
* shared_table counters is still 1.
* This means that no matter how many new vrfs will register on the
* table 100, the shared_table will not increase (considering only
* table 100).
* at t4, vrf4 is bound to table 101, and shared_table = 2.
* Looking at the value of shared_tables we can immediately know if
* the strict_mode can or cannot be enforced. Indeed, strict_mode
* can be enforced iff shared_table = 0.
* Conversely, shared_table is decreased when a vrf is de-associated
* from a table with exactly two associated vrfs.
- int shared_tables;
Should this be unsigned? Should it be a fixed size?