On Tue, 2 Apr 2024 17:53:41 +0200 Petr Machata wrote:
+def ksft_ge(a, b, comment=""):
- global KSFT_RESULT
- if a < b:
Hmm, instead of this global KSFT_RESULT business, have you considered adding and raising an XsftFailEx, like for the other outcomes? We need to use KSFT_RESULT-like approach in bash tests, because, well, bash.
Doing it all through exceptions likely requires consistent use of context managers for resource clean-up. But if we do, we'll get guaranteed cleanups as well. I see that you use __del__ and explicit "finally: del cfg" later on, which is exactly the sort of lifetime management boilerplate that context managers encapsulate.
This stuff is going to get cut'n'pasted around, and I worry we'll end up with a mess of mutable globals and forgotten cleanups if the right patterns are not introduced early on.
I wanted to support the semantics which the C kselftest harness has, by which I mean EXPECT and ASSERT. The helpers don't raise, just record the failure and keep going. ASSERT semantics are provided by the exceptions.
I thought it may be easier to follow and write correct code if we raise ASSERTS explicitly in the test, rather than in the helpers. I mean - if the programmer has to type in "raise" they are more likely to realize they need to also add cleanup.
But TBH I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise, I couldn't find a strong reason to do it one way or the other. I have tried to integrate with unittest and that wasn't great (I have one huge test I need to port back now). I don't know if pytest is better, but I decided that we should probably roll our own. What "our own" exactly is I don't have strong opinion.