On Tue, 4 Mar 2025 at 08:05, Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk(a)kernel.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 05:26:34PM +0800, songchai wrote:
> > From: Songwei Chai <quic_songchai(a)quicinc.com>
> >
> > The Trigger Generation Unit (TGU) is designed to detect patterns or
> > sequences within a specific region of the System on Chip (SoC). Once
> > configured and activated, it monitors sense inputs and can detect a
> > pre-programmed state or sequence across clock cycles, subsequently
> > producing a trigger.
> >
> > TGU configuration space
> > offset table
> > x-------------------------x
> > | |
> > | |
> > | | Step configuration
> > | | space layout
> > | coresight management | x-------------x
> > | registers | |---> | |
> > | | | | reserve |
> > | | | | |
> > |-------------------------| | |-------------|
> > | | | | priority[3] |
> > | step[7] |<-- | |-------------|
> > |-------------------------| | | | priority[2] |
> > | | | | |-------------|
> > | ... | |Steps region | | priority[1] |
> > | | | | |-------------|
> > |-------------------------| | | | priority[0] |
> > | |<-- | |-------------|
> > | step[0] |--------------------> | |
> > |-------------------------| | condition |
> > | | | |
> > | control and status | x-------------x
> > | space | | |
> > x-------------------------x |Timer/Counter|
> > | |
> > x-------------x
> > TGU Configuration in Hardware
> >
> > The TGU provides a step region for user configuration, similar
> > to a flow chart. Each step region consists of three register clusters:
> >
> > 1.Priority Region: Sets the required signals with priority.
> > 2.Condition Region: Defines specific requirements (e.g., signal A
> > reaches three times) and the subsequent action once the requirement is
> > met.
> > 3.Timer/Counter (Optional): Provides timing or counting functionality.
> >
> > Add a new coresight-tgu.yaml file to describe the bindings required to
> > define the TGU in the device trees.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Songwei Chai <quic_songchai(a)quicinc.com>
> > Signed-off-by: songchai <quic_songchai(a)quicinc.com>
> Don't duplicate yourself.
> Anyway, this is marked as v3, I cannot find previous versions, no
> changelog, no references.
> What happened here in this binding?
> > ---
> > .../bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml | 135 ++++++++++++++++++
> > 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+)
> > create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml
> >
> > diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml
> > new file mode 100644
> > index 000000000000..a41ac68a4fe7
> > --- /dev/null
> > +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml
> > @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
> > +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause
> > +# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved.
> 2023 and 2024? Where was it published in these years?
> > +%YAML 1.2
> > +---
> > +$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml#
> > +$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
> > +
> > +title: Trigger Generation Unit - TGU
> > +
> > +description: |
> > + The Trigger Generation Unit (TGU) is a Data Engine which can be utilized
> > + to sense a plurality of signals and create a trigger into the CTI or
> > + generate interrupts to processors. The TGU is like the trigger circuit
> > + of a Logic Analyzer. The corresponding trigger logic can be realized by
> > + configuring the conditions for each step after sensing the signal.
> > + Once setup and enabled, it will observe sense inputs and based upon
> > + the activity of those inputs, even over clock cycles, may detect a
> > + preprogrammed state/sequence and then produce a trigger or interrupt.
> > +
> > + The primary use case of the TGU is to detect patterns or sequences on a
> > + given set of signals within some region of the SoC.
> > +
> > +maintainers:
> > + - Mao Jinlong <quic_jinlmao(a)quicinc.com>
> > + - Sam Chai <quic_songchai(a)quicinc.com>
> > +
> > +# Need a custom select here or 'arm,primecell' will match on lots of nodes
> > +select:
> > + properties:
> > + compatible:
> > + contains:
> > + enum:
> > + - qcom,coresight-tgu
> > + required:
> > + - compatible
> > +
> > +properties:
> > + compatible:
> > + items:
> > + - const: qcom,coresight-tgu
> > + - const: arm,primecell
> > +
> > + reg:
> > + maxItems: 1
> > +
> > + clocks:
> > + maxItems: 1
> > +
> > + clock-names:
> > + items:
> > + - const: apb_pclk
> > +
> > + qcom,tgu-steps:
> > + description:
> > + The trigger logic is realized by configuring each step after sensing
> > + the signal. The parameter here is used to describe the maximum of steps
> > + that could be configured in the current TGU.
> > + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> > + minimum: 1
> > + maximum: 8
> > +
Hardware features are usually defined by ID registers in coresight
devices. e.g. ETM has a number of ID registers that describe the
number of comparators / counters etc.
Does this device not have similar registers? Is there not a unique ID
for each hardware variant - hardware discoverablility is an
architecture requirement for coresight devices?
> > + qcom,tgu-regs:
> > + description:
> > + There are some "groups" register clusters in each step, which are used to
> > + configure the signal that we want to detect. Meanwhile, each group has its
> > + own priority, and the priority increases with number of groups. For example,
> > + group3 has a higher priority than group2, the signal configured in group3
> > + will be sensed more preferentially than the signal which is configured in group2.
> > + The parameter here is used to describe the signal number that each group
> > + could be configured.
> And all groups are indexed by number? Or do they have names?
> > + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> > + minimum: 1
> > + maximum: 18
> > +
> > + qcom,tgu-conditions:
> > + description:
> > + A condition sets a specific requirement for a step and defines the subsequent
> > + action once the requirement is met. For example, in step two, if signal A is
> > + detected three times, the process jumps back to step one. The parameter describes
> > + the register number for each functionality, whether it is setting a specific
> > + requirement or defining a subsequent action.
> > + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> > + minimum: 1
> > + maximum: 4
> > +
> > + qcom,tgu-timer-counters:
> > + description:
> > + TGU has timer and counter which are used to set some requirement on each step.
> Wrap according to Linux coding style, so at 80.
> > + For example, we could use counter to create a trigger into CTI once TGU senses
> > + the target signal three times.This parameter is used to describe the number of
> > + Timers/Counters in TGU.
> > + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
> > + minimum: 0
> Drop
> > + maximum: 2
> > +
> > + in-ports:
> > + $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports
> > + additionalProperties: false
> > +
> > + properties:
> > + port:
> > + description: AXI Slave connected to another Coresight component
> So this TGU can be connected to anything in coresight graph, no
> restrictions?
Coresight uses APB for register access and ATB for moving trace from
source to sink. The only use of AXI is on the ETR/CATU output saving
trace data into system memory.
> > + $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/port
> > +
> > +required:
> > + - compatible
> > + - reg
> > + - clocks
> > + - clock-names
> Most likely you miss also: in-ports
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof
Mike Leach
Principal Engineer, ARM Ltd.
Manchester Design Centre. UK
On Thu, 27 Feb 2025 at 09:27, songchai <quic_songchai(a)quicinc.com> wrote:
> Provide support for the TGU (Trigger Generation Unit), which can be
> utilized to sense a plurality of signals and create a trigger into
> the CTI or generate interrupts to processors once the input signal
> meets the conditions. We can treat the TGU’s workflow as a flowsheet,
> it has some “steps” regions for customization. In each step region,
> we can set the signals that we want with priority in priority_group, set
> the conditions in each step via condition_decode, and set the resultant
> action by condition_select. Meanwhile, some TGUs (not all) also provide
> timer/counter functionality. Based on the characteristics described
> above, we consider the TGU as a helper in the CoreSight subsystem.
> Its master device is the TPDM, which can transmit signals from other
> subsystems, and we reuse the existing ports mechanism to link the TPDM to
> the connected TGU.
I do not believe that his component is part of the Coresight subsystem.
1) It inputs multiple signals from the SoC to process and create an
trigger event - however, it can do this irrespective of CoreSight
trace being operational, especially where generating interrupts for
processors, or triggers for other non-coresight components. It would
appear that the TPDM can send output to more than just the TDPA which
generates coresight trace packets - a previously undisclosed feature.
2) The ports mechanism is a generic device tree mechanism, not
something unique to the Coresight subsystem.
3) The CTI trigger connection will be defined in devicetree under the
CTI component, as this is the interface between this component and
As such this seems more like a general performance and debug
component, with optional inputs to the coresight trigger mechanisms,
rather than being a coresight component itself. Other SoCs have
non-coresight component inputs to CTIs. For example the PL011 serial
device on Juno has a signal into one of the system CTIs.
> Here is a detailed example to explain how to use the TGU:
> In this example, the TGU is configured to use 2 conditions, 2 steps, and
> the timer. The goal is to look for one of two patterns which are generated
> from TPDM, giving priority to one, and then generate a trigger once the
> timer reaches a certain value. In other words, two conditions are used
> for the first step to look for the two patterns, where the one with the
> highest priority is used in the first condition. Then, in the second step,
> the timer is enabled and set to be compared to the given value at each
> clock cycle. These steps are better shown below.
> |-----------------|
> | |
> | TPDM |
> | |
> |-----------------|
> |
> |
> --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ------
> | | |
> | | |--------------------| |
> | |---- ---> | | Go to next steps | |
> | | | |--- ---> | Enable timer | |
> | | v | | | |
> | | |-----------------| | |--------------------| |
> | | | | Yes | | |
> | | | inputs==0xB | ----->| | <-------- |
> | | | | | | No | |
> | No | |-----------------| | v | |
> | | | | |-----------------| | |
> | | | | | | | |
> | | | | | timer>=3 |-- |
> | | v | | | |
> | | |-----------------| | |-----------------| |
> | | | | Yes | | |
> | |--- | inputs==0xA | ----->| | Yes |
> | | | | |
> | |-----------------| v |
> | |-----------------| |
> | | | |
> | | Trigger | |
> | | | |
> | |-----------------| |
> | TGU | |
> |--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- |--- --- -- |
> |
> v
> |-----------------|
> |The controllers |
> |which will use |
> |triggers further |
> |-----------------|
> steps:
> 1. Reset TGU /*it will disable tgu and reset dataset*/
> - echo 1 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/reset_tgu
> 2. Set the pattern match for priority0 to 0xA = 0b1010 and for
> priority 1 to 0xB = 0b1011.
> - echo 0x11113232 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_priority0/reg0
> - echo 0x11113233 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_priority1/reg0
> Note:
> Bit distribution diagram for each priority register
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Bits | Field Nam | Description |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 29:28 | SEL_BIT7_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 25:24 | SEL_BIT6_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 21:20 | SEL_BIT5_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 17:16 | SEL_BIT4_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 13:12 | SEL_BIT3_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 9:8 | SEL_BIT2_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 5:4 | SEL_BIT1_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | | 00 = bypass for OR output |
> | 1:0 | SEL_BIT0_TYPE2 | 01 = bypass for AND output |
> | | | 10 = sense input '0' is true|
> | | | 11 = sense input '1' is true|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
> These bits are used to identify the signals we want to sense, with
> a maximum signal number of 140. For example, to sense the signal
> 0xA (binary 1010), we set the value of bits 0 to 13 to 3232, which
> represents 1010. The remaining bits are set to 1, as we want to use
> AND gate to summarize all the signals we want to sense here. For
> rising or falling edge detection of any input to the priority, set
> the remaining bits to 0 to use an OR gate.
> 3. look for the pattern for priority_i i=0,1.
> - echo 0x3 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_condition_decode/reg0
> - echo 0x30 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_condition_decode/reg1
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Bits | Field Nam | Description |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |For each decoded condition, this |
> | 24 | NOT |inverts the output. If the condition |
> | | |decodes to true, and the NOT field |
> | | |is '1', then the output is NOT true. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | 21 | BC0_COMP_ACTIVE |comparator will be actively included in|
> | | |the decoding of this particular |
> | | |condition. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | | |comparator will need to be 1 to affect |
> | 20 | BC0_COMP_HIGH |the decoding of this condition. |
> | | |Conversely, a '0' here requires a '0' |
> | | |from the comparator |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | 17 | |comparator will be actively included in|
> | | TC0_COMP_ACTIVE |the decoding of this particular |
> | | |condition. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | | |comparator will need to be 1 to affect |
> | 16 | TC0_COMP_HIGH |the decoding of this particular |
> | | |condition.Conversely, a 0 here |
> | | |requires a '0' from the comparator |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from Priority_n |
> | | |OR logic will be actively |
> | 4n+3 | Priority_n_OR_ACTIVE|included in the decoding of |
> | | (n=0,1,2,3) |this particular condition. |
> | | | |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from Priority_n |
> | | |will need to be '1' to affect the |
> | 4n+2 | Priority_n_OR_HIGH |decoding of this particular |
> | | (n=0,1,2,3) |condition. Conversely, a '0' here |
> | | |requires a '0' from Priority_n OR logic|
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from Priority_n |
> | | |AND logic will be actively |
> | 4n+1 |Priority_n_AND_ACTIVE|included in the decoding of this |
> | | (n=0,1,2,3) |particular condition. |
> | | | |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from Priority_n |
> | | |AND logic will need to be '1' to |
> | 4n | Priority_n_AND_HIGH |affect the decoding of this |
> | | (n=0,1,2,3) |particular condition. Conversely, |
> | | |a '0' here requires a '0' from |
> | | |Priority_n AND logic. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Since we use `priority_0` and `priority_1` with an AND output in step 2, we set `0x3`
> and `0x30` here to activate them.
> 4. Set NEXT_STEP = 1 and TC0_ENABLE = 1 so that when the conditions
> are met then the next step will be step 1 and the timer will be enabled.
> - echo 0x20008 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_condition_select/reg0
> - echo 0x20008 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step0_condition_select/reg1
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | Bits | Field Nam | Description |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This field defines the next step the |
> | 18:17 | NEXT_STEP |TGU will 'goto' for the associated |
> | | |Condition and Step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |For each possible output trigger |
> | 13 | TRIGGER |available, set a '1' if you want |
> | | |the trigger to go active for the |
> | | |associated condition and Step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will cause BC0 to increment if the|
> | 9 | BC0_INC |associated Condition is decoded for |
> | | |this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will cause BC0 to decrement if the|
> | 8 | BC0_DEC |associated Condition is decoded for |
> | | |this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will clear BC0 count value to 0 if|
> | 7 | BC0_CLEAR |the associated Condition is decoded |
> | | |for this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will cause TC0 to increment until |
> | 3 | TC0_ENABLE |paused or cleared if the associated |
> | | |Condition is decoded for this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will cause TC0 to pause until |
> | 2 | TC0_PAUSE |enabled if the associated Condition |
> | | |is decoded for this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will clear TC0 count value to 0 |
> | 1 | TC0_CLEAR |if the associated Condition is |
> | | |decoded for this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |This will set the done signal to the |
> | 0 | DONE |TGU FSM if the associated Condition |
> | | |is decoded for this step. |
> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Based on the distribution diagram, we set `0x20008` for `priority0` and `priority1` to
> achieve "jump to step 1 and enable TC0" once the signal is sensed.
> 5. activate the timer comparison for this step.
> - echo 0x30000 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step1_condition_decode/reg0
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | 17 | |comparator will be actively included in|
> | | TC0_COMP_ACTIVE |the decoding of this particular |
> | | |condition. |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | | |When '1' the output from the associated|
> | | |comparator will need to be 1 to affect |
> | 16 | TC0_COMP_HIGH |the decoding of this particular |
> | | |condition.Conversely, a 0 here |
> | | |requires a '0' from the comparator |
> |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> Accroding to the decode distribution diagram , we give 0x30000 here to set 16th&17th bit
> to enable timer comparison.
> 6. Set the NEXT_STEP = 0 and TC0_PAUSE = 1 and TC0_CLEAR = 1 once the timer
> has reached the given value.
> - echo 0x6 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step1_condition_select/reg0
> 7. Enable Trigger 0 for TGU when the condition 0 is met in step1,
> i.e. when the timer reaches 3.
> - echo 0x2000 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step1_condition_select/default
> Note:
> 1. 'default' register allows for establishing the resultant action for
> the default condition
> 2. Trigger:For each possible output trigger available from
> the Design document, there are three triggers: interrupts, CTI,
> and Cross-TGU mapping.All three triggers can occur, but
> the choice of which trigger to use depends on the user's
> needs.
> 8. Compare the timer to 3 in step 1.
> - echo 0x3 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/step1_timer/reg0
> 9. enale tgu
> - echo 1 > /sys/bus/coresight/devices/<tgu-name>/enable_tgu
If this is version 3 - where is the list of differences from versions 1 - 2?
> Songwei Chai (7):
> dt-bindings: arm: Add support for Coresight TGU trace
> coresight: Add coresight TGU driver
> coresight-tgu: Add signal priority support
> coresight-tgu: Add TGU decode support
> coresight-tgu: add support to configure next action
> coresight-tgu: add timer/counter functionality for TGU
> coresight-tgu: add reset node to initialize
> .../testing/sysfs-bus-coresight-devices-tgu | 51 ++
> .../bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml | 135 ++++
> drivers/hwtracing/coresight/Kconfig | 11 +
> drivers/hwtracing/coresight/Makefile | 1 +
> drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tgu.c | 669 ++++++++++++++++++
> drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tgu.h | 242 +++++++
> 6 files changed, 1109 insertions(+)
> create mode 100644 Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-coresight-devices-tgu
> create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tgu.yaml
> create mode 100644 drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tgu.c
> create mode 100644 drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tgu.h
Mike Leach
Principal Engineer, ARM Ltd.
Manchester Design Centre. UK
Hi Levi,
On 06/03/2025 09:47, Yeoreum Yun wrote:
> In coresight-tmc drivers, tmc_drvdata->spinlock can be held
> during __schedule() by perf_event_task_sched_out()/in().
> Since tmc_drvdata->spinlock type is spinlock_t and
> perf_event_task_sched_out()/in() is called after acquiring rq_lock,
> which is raw_spinlock_t (an unsleepable lock),
> this poses an issue in PREEMPT_RT kernel where spinlock_t is sleepable.
> To address this, change type tmc_drvdata->spinlock in coresight-tmc drivers,
> which can be called by perf_event_task_sched_out()/in(),
> from spinlock_t to raw_spinlock_t.
> Reviewed-by: James Clark <james.clark(a)linaro.org>
> Reviewed-by: Mike Leach <mike.leach(a)linaro.org>
> Signed-off-by: Yeoreum Yun <yeoreum.yun(a)arm.com>
Unfortunately, this still doesn't cover the current coresight next
branch. I get build errors as below :
"[PATCH] coresight-tmc: change tmc_drvdata spinlock's type to" has style
problems, please review. This is because, we merged the coresight panic
trace support in the coresight next, on 21st Feb.
NOTE: If any of the errors are false positives, please report
them to the maintainer, see CHECKPATCH in MAINTAINERS.
CALL scripts/checksyscalls.sh
CC [M] drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.o
CC [M] drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-etf.o
CC [M] drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-etr.o
CC [M] drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-catu.o
In file included from ./include/linux/mmzone.h:8,
from ./include/linux/gfp.h:7,
from ./include/linux/slab.h:16,
from ./include/linux/resource_ext.h:11,
from ./include/linux/acpi.h:13,
from drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c:7:
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c: In function
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c:361:20: error: passing
argument 1 of ‘spinlock_check’ from incompatible pointer type
361 | spin_lock_irqsave(&drvdata->spinlock, flags);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| |
| raw_spinlock_t * {aka struct raw_spinlock *}
./include/linux/spinlock.h:244:34: note: in definition of macro
244 | flags = _raw_spin_lock_irqsave(lock); \
| ^~~~
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c:361:2: note: in
expansion of macro ‘spin_lock_irqsave’
361 | spin_lock_irqsave(&drvdata->spinlock, flags);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from ./include/linux/mmzone.h:8,
from ./include/linux/gfp.h:7,
from ./include/linux/slab.h:16,
from ./include/linux/resource_ext.h:11,
from ./include/linux/acpi.h:13,
from drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c:7:
./include/linux/spinlock.h:324:67: note: expected ‘spinlock_t *’ {aka
‘struct spinlock *’} but argument is of type ‘raw_spinlock_t *’ {aka
‘struct raw_spinlock *’}
324 | static __always_inline raw_spinlock_t
*spinlock_check(spinlock_t *lock)
Previously the sink had to be specified, but now it auto selects one by
default. Including a sink in the examples causes issues when copy
pasting the command because it might not work if that sink isn't
present. Remove the sink from all the basic examples and create a new
section specifically about overriding the default one.
Make the text a but more concise now that it's in the advanced section,
and similarly for removing the old kernel advice.
Signed-off-by: James Clark <james.clark(a)linaro.org>
Documentation/trace/coresight/coresight.rst | 41 ++++++++-----------
.../userspace-api/perf_ring_buffer.rst | 4 +-
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Documentation/trace/coresight/coresight.rst b/Documentation/trace/coresight/coresight.rst
index d4f93d6a2d63..806699871b80 100644
--- a/Documentation/trace/coresight/coresight.rst
+++ b/Documentation/trace/coresight/coresight.rst
@@ -462,44 +462,35 @@ queried by the perf command line tool:
cs_etm// [Kernel PMU event]
- linaro@linaro-nano:~$
Regardless of the number of tracers available in a system (usually equal to the
amount of processor cores), the "cs_etm" PMU will be listed only once.
A Coresight PMU works the same way as any other PMU, i.e the name of the PMU is
-listed along with configuration options within forward slashes '/'. Since a
-Coresight system will typically have more than one sink, the name of the sink to
-work with needs to be specified as an event option.
-On newer kernels the available sinks are listed in sysFS under
+provided along with configuration options within forward slashes '/' (see
+`Config option formats`_).
+Advanced Perf framework usage
+Sink selection
+An appropriate sink will be selected automatically for use with Perf, but since
+there will typically be more than one sink, the name of the sink to use may be
+specified as a special config option prefixed with '@'.
+The available sinks are listed in sysFS under
root@localhost:/sys/bus/event_source/devices/cs_etm/sinks# ls
tmc_etf0 tmc_etr0 tpiu0
-On older kernels, this may need to be found from the list of coresight devices,
-available under ($SYSFS)/bus/coresight/devices/::
- root:~# ls /sys/bus/coresight/devices/
- etm0 etm1 etm2 etm3 etm4 etm5 funnel0
- funnel1 funnel2 replicator0 stm0 tmc_etf0 tmc_etr0 tpiu0
root@linaro-nano:~# perf record -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/u --per-thread program
-As mentioned above in section "Device Naming scheme", the names of the devices could
-look different from what is used in the example above. One must use the device names
-as it appears under the sysFS.
-The syntax within the forward slashes '/' is important. The '@' character
-tells the parser that a sink is about to be specified and that this is the sink
-to use for the trace session.
More information on the above and other example on how to use Coresight with
the perf tools can be found in the "HOWTO.md" file of the openCSD gitHub
repository [#third]_.
-Advanced perf framework usage
AutoFDO analysis using the perf tools
@@ -508,7 +499,7 @@ perf can be used to record and analyze trace of programs.
Execution can be recorded using 'perf record' with the cs_etm event,
specifying the name of the sink to record to, e.g::
- perf record -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/u --per-thread
+ perf record -e cs_etm//u --per-thread
The 'perf report' and 'perf script' commands can be used to analyze execution,
synthesizing instruction and branch events from the instruction trace.
@@ -572,7 +563,7 @@ sort example is from the AutoFDO tutorial (https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/AutoFDO/Tuto
Bubble sorting array of 30000 elements
5910 ms
- $ perf record -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/u --per-thread taskset -c 2 ./sort
+ $ perf record -e cs_etm//u --per-thread taskset -c 2 ./sort
Bubble sorting array of 30000 elements
12543 ms
[ perf record: Woken up 35 times to write data ]
diff --git a/Documentation/userspace-api/perf_ring_buffer.rst b/Documentation/userspace-api/perf_ring_buffer.rst
index bde9d8cbc106..dc71544532ce 100644
--- a/Documentation/userspace-api/perf_ring_buffer.rst
+++ b/Documentation/userspace-api/perf_ring_buffer.rst
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ regular ring buffer.
AUX events and AUX trace data are two different things. Let's see an
- perf record -a -e cycles -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/ -- sleep 2
+ perf record -a -e cycles -e cs_etm// -- sleep 2
The above command enables two events: one is the event *cycles* from PMU
and another is the AUX event *cs_etm* from Arm CoreSight, both are saved
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ only record AUX trace data at a specific time point which users are
interested in. E.g. below gives an example of how to take snapshots
with 1 second interval with Arm CoreSight::
- perf record -e cs_etm/@tmc_etr0/u -S -a program &
+ perf record -e cs_etm//u -S -a program &
while true; do