On Mon, 15 May 2017 14:28:45 -0500 Sebastian Pop s.pop@samsung.com wrote:
Hi Kim,
On 05/15/2017 01:26 PM, Sebastian Pop wrote:
On 05/15/2017 12:15 PM, Kim Phillips wrote:
0x350 [0x50]: failed to process type: 1
I even went back to try the 4.11-rc1 branch, and get the same error.
That's all with native-built perf: something the instructions seem to imply: e.g., there are no instructions saying when to go in between the host and the target machines.
When trying to do the cross-built perf inject with OpenCSD libraries (also not mentioned in the instructions, nor does inject complain if not built without them), things start to work a bit better in that the "failed to process type: 1" error does not occur.
I have not tried to run perf inject on aarch64, though my thinking is that perf inject should work the same on all machines: what you see is a bug.
I just verified that back last year, I did run all the commands including perf inject on aarch64-linux. I still have all the scripts and the data around, and I was able to process the perf.data containing ETM traces into LBR events. This is on a Juno-r0 board with perf built natively on aarch64-linux from top of tree git plus two patches:
commit 88e9321047b0a795d1d7c2408ac77f910768f94b Author: Sebastian Pop s.pop@samsung.com Date: Tue Dec 13 16:24:52 2016 -0600
perf tools: new inject capabilitity for CoreSight traces
$ git show 88e9321047b0a795d1d7c2408ac77f910768f94b fatal: bad object 88e9321047b0a795d1d7c2408ac77f910768f94b
there is this however:
commit 8ca6ef5392a2d5884152ce8cc382031d5de5069d Author: Sebastian Pop s.pop@samsung.com AuthorDate: Fri Dec 16 17:43:16 2016 -0600 Commit: Mathieu Poirier mathieu.poirier@linaro.org CommitDate: Mon May 1 11:15:57 2017 -0600
perf tools: new inject capabilitity for CoreSight traces
commit cf5c7b9681d89585e1a80c63d2fb422f50dc4ee3 Author: Sebastian Pop s.pop@samsung.com Date: Fri Dec 9 10:57:34 2016 -0600
perf tools: fix printing of auxtrace_info
$ git show cf5c7b9681d89585e1a80c63d2fb422f50dc4ee3 fatal: bad object cf5c7b9681d89585e1a80c63d2fb422f50dc4ee3
There is this however:
commit c5bbc0416612f4656ffe890320ead454c94ab2a9 Author: Sebastian Pop <s.pop at samsung.com> AuthorDate: Thu Mar 16 11:12:43 2017 -0600 Commit: Mathieu Poirier mathieu.poirier@linaro.org CommitDate: Mon May 1 11:17:42 2017 -0600
perf tools: fix printing of auxtrace_info
commit b50067a52cf308aaab87a20e38cbdb2928a36c5a Author: Mike Leach mike.leach@linaro.org Date: Tue Nov 29 17:46:22 2016 +0000
cs-etm: Update to perf cs-etm decoder for OpenCSD v0.5
this exists. Is it possible to try the upstreamed versions of the commits?
Please let me try to reproduce the bug, and if I cannot, I will ask you for your perf.data that exposes the problem.
Could you please send me privately (at s.pop@samsung.com) your perf.data file on which you see the error, and the sha key of the kernel repo you are using?
I'm using OpenCSD's perf-opencsd-4.11 branch, currently e0cf71e "coresight: tmc: minor fix for output log".
I'm attaching the perf.data file in a separate email to you.
Thank you,