next/master boot: 213 boots: 13 failed, 196 passed with 1 offline, 1 untried/unknown, 2 conflicts (next-20190501)
Full Boot Summary: Full Build Summary:
Tree: next Branch: master Git Describe: next-20190501 Git Commit: bf2c8035bd8b364a912a2fe67083c1c2ea836d19 Git URL: git:// Tested: 81 unique boards, 24 SoC families, 19 builds out of 224
Boot Regressions Detected:
exynos_defconfig: gcc-7: exynos5250-snow: lab-collabora: new failure (last pass: next-20190430)
multi_v7_defconfig: gcc-7: bcm2836-rpi-2-b: lab-collabora: failing since 82 days (last pass: next-20190206 - first fail: next-20190208)
defconfig: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: lab-baylibre-seattle: failing since 36 days (last pass: next-20190325 - first fail: next-20190326)
defconfig+CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN=y: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: lab-baylibre-seattle: failing since 36 days (last pass: next-20190325 - first fail: next-20190326) meson-gxbb-p200: lab-baylibre: new failure (last pass: next-20190430)
defconfig+CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=y: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: lab-baylibre-seattle: failing since 36 days (last pass: next-20190325 - first fail: next-20190326)
Boot Failures Detected:
arm: exynos_defconfig: gcc-7: exynos5250-snow: 1 failed lab
multi_v7_defconfig: gcc-7: bcm2836-rpi-2-b: 1 failed lab bcm4708-smartrg-sr400ac: 1 failed lab bcm72521-bcm97252sffe: 1 failed lab bcm7445-bcm97445c: 1 failed lab sun4i-a10-cubieboard: 1 failed lab sun7i-a20-bananapi: 1 failed lab sun7i-a20-cubietruck: 1 failed lab
arm64: defconfig+CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN=y: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: 1 failed lab
defconfig+CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=y: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: 2 failed labs
defconfig: gcc-7: meson-g12a-sei510: 2 failed labs
Offline Platforms:
defconfig+CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE=y: gcc-7 meson-gxbb-p200: 1 offline lab
Conflicting Boot Failures Detected: (These likely are not failures as other labs are reporting PASS. Needs review.)
arm: multi_v7_defconfig: exynos5800-peach-pi: lab-baylibre-seattle: FAIL (gcc-7) lab-collabora: PASS (gcc-7)
arm64: defconfig+CONFIG_CPU_BIG_ENDIAN=y: meson-gxbb-p200: lab-baylibre-seattle: PASS (gcc-7) lab-baylibre: FAIL (gcc-7)
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