rmk boot: 355 boots: 4 failed, 349 passed with 2 conflicts (v4.1-rc1-6-g3b8786ff7a1b)
Full Boot Summary: http://kernelci.org/boot/all/job/rmk/kernel/v4.1-rc1-6-g3b8786ff7a1b/ Full Build Summary: http://kernelci.org/build/rmk/kernel/v4.1-rc1-6-g3b8786ff7a1b/
Tree: rmk Branch: None Git Describe: v4.1-rc1-6-g3b8786ff7a1b Git Commit: None Git URL: None Tested: 80 unique boards, 23 SoC families, 28 builds out of 0
Boot Failures Detected: http://kernelci.org/boot/?v4.1-rc1-6-g3b8786ff7a1b&fail
defconfig: juno-kvm-guest: 1 failed lab
multi_v7_defconfig+tiny: sun7i-a20-cubietruck: 1 failed lab sun9i-a80-optimus: 1 failed lab
multi_v7_defconfig+CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING=y: hisi-x5hd2-dkb: 1 failed lab
Conflicting Boot Failures Detected: (These likely are not failures as other labs are reporting PASS. Please review.)
u8500_defconfig: ste-snowball: lab-khilman: FAIL lab-tbaker: PASS
multi_v7_defconfig+CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING=y: imx6q-wandboard: lab-khilman: PASS lab-tbaker: FAIL
--- For more info write to info@kernelci.org