If you're on the To: line, you have a kernel tree currently being build/boot tested by kernelCI.org that will be disabled (hopefully, temporarily.)
Our infrastructure (graciously hosted by Linaro) is having several problems, and is not currently scaling well as we've been adding trees. These issues have been causing a variety of problems, but mainly resulting lots of false failures and generally low quality and usefulness of the reporting.
Until we have the time and resources to address these growing pains (kernel CI is currently all-volunteer, spare-time only), we've decided to reduce the number of trees we build to: mainline, linux-next, arm-soc, and stable.
This will reduce load and (hopefully) increase the quality of the remaining upstream-focused build/boot results until we have the resources (both time and humans) to address the current problems and make things scalable to a large number of trees.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
Kevin (on behalf of the core kernel CI team of myself and the Linaro crew: Tyler Baker, Milo Casagrande, Mark Brown and Matt Hart.)