[maxim.uvarov] configure: remove separate so_version file
------------------------------------------ [...truncated 5527 lines...] texlive-texpower noarch 4:svn29349.0.2-19.fc23 updates 71 k texlive-texshade noarch 4:svn24716.1.24-19.fc23 updates 92 k texlive-textcase noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-textfit noarch 4:svn20591.5-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-textgreek noarch 4:svn24282.v0.7-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-textmerg noarch 4:svn20677.2.01-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-textpos noarch 4:svn32571.1.7j-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-tfrupee noarch 4:svn20770.1.02-19.fc23 updates 619 k texlive-theoremref noarch 4:svn30640.0-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-thinsp noarch 4:svn15878.0.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-thmbox noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-thmtools noarch 4:svn26251.62-19.fc23 updates 42 k texlive-threadcol noarch 4:svn28754.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-threeparttable noarch 4:svn17383.0-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-threeparttablex noarch 4:svn31276.0.3-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-thumb noarch 4:svn16549.1.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-thumbpdf noarch 4:svn29725.3.15-19.fc23 updates 48 k texlive-thumbpdf-bin noarch 4:svn6898.0-19.20140525_r34255.fc23 updates 26 k texlive-thumbs noarch 4:svn33134.1.0n-19.fc23 updates 38 k texlive-thumby noarch 4:svn16736.0.1-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-ticket noarch 4:svn20679.0.4b-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-tikz-3dplot noarch 4:svn25087.0-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-tikz-bayesnet-doc noarch 4:svn30094.0.1-19.fc23 updates 49 k texlive-tikz-cd noarch 4:svn33126.0.9b-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-tikz-dependency noarch 4:svn25156.1.1-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-tikz-inet noarch 4:svn15878.0.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tikz-opm noarch 4:svn32769.0.1.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-tikz-qtree noarch 4:svn26108.1.2-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-tikz-timing noarch 4:svn21013.0.7d-19.fc23 updates 48 k texlive-tikzinclude noarch 4:svn28715.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-tikzmark noarch 4:svn29999.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tikzorbital noarch 4:svn28561.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-tikzpagenodes noarch 4:svn27723.1.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-tikzpfeile noarch 4:svn25777.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-tikzposter noarch 4:svn32732.2.0-19.fc23 updates 40 k texlive-tikzscale noarch 4:svn30637.0.2.6-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-tikzsymbols noarch 4:svn31297.3.0-19.fc23 updates 37 k texlive-times noarch 4:svn31835.0-19.fc23 updates 400 k texlive-timing-diagrams noarch 4:svn31491.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tipa noarch 4:svn29349.1.3-19.fc23 updates 2.8 M texlive-titlecaps noarch 4:svn30911.1.0-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-titlefoot noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-titlepic noarch 4:svn15878.1.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-titleref noarch 4:svn18729.2.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-titlesec noarch 4:svn24852.2.10.0-19.fc23 updates 49 k texlive-titling noarch 4:svn15878.2.1d-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tkz-base noarch 4:svn22961.1.16-19.fc23 updates 49 k texlive-tkz-berge noarch 4:svn22891.1.00c-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-tkz-doc noarch 4:svn22959.1.1c-19.fc23 updates 36 k texlive-tkz-euclide noarch 4:svn22830.1.16c-19.fc23 updates 47 k texlive-tkz-fct noarch 4:svn22831.1.16c-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-tkz-graph noarch 4:svn22832.1.00-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-tkz-kiviat noarch 4:svn22857.0.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tkz-linknodes noarch 4:svn22833.1.0c-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tkz-orm noarch 4:svn16849.0.1-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-tkz-tab noarch 4:svn22834.1.3c-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-tocbibind noarch 4:svn20085.1.5k-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tocloft noarch 4:svn30209.2.3f-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-tocvsec2 noarch 4:svn33146.1.3a-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-todo noarch 4:svn17746.2.142-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-todonotes noarch 4:svn28362.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-tokenizer noarch 4:svn15878.1.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-toolbox noarch 4:svn32260.5.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tools noarch 4:svn33063.0-19.fc23 updates 71 k texlive-topfloat noarch 4:svn19084.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-totcount noarch 4:svn21178.1.2-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-totpages noarch 4:svn15878.2.00-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tpslifonts noarch 4:svn27464.0.6-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-tqft noarch 4:svn33411.2.0-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-trajan noarch 4:svn15878.1.1-19.fc23 updates 74 k texlive-translations noarch 4:svn32779.1.2a-19.fc23 updates 38 k texlive-tree-dvips noarch 4:svn21751.91-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-trfsigns noarch 4:svn15878.1.01-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-trimspaces noarch 4:svn15878.1.1-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-trivfloat noarch 4:svn15878.1.3b-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-trsym noarch 4:svn18732.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-truncate noarch 4:svn18921.3.6-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-tsemlines noarch 4:svn23440.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-ttfutils noarch 4:svn31355.0-19.fc23 updates 187 k texlive-ttfutils-bin aarch64 4:svn30088.0-19.20140525_r34255.fc23 updates 129 k texlive-tucv noarch 4:svn20680.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-tufte-latex noarch 4:svn24733.3.5.0-19.fc23 updates 43 k texlive-turnthepage noarch 4:svn29803.1.3a-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-twoinone noarch 4:svn17024.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-twoup noarch 4:svn15878.1.3-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-txfonts noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 780 k texlive-txfontsb noarch 4:svn21578.1.1-19.fc23 updates 2.5 M texlive-txgreeks noarch 4:svn21839.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-type1cm noarch 4:svn21820.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-typeface noarch 4:svn27046.0.1-19.fc23 updates 74 k texlive-typehtml noarch 4:svn17134.0-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-typogrid noarch 4:svn24994.0.21-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-ucbthesis noarch 4:svn33458.0-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-ucs noarch 4:svn30472.2.2-19.fc23 updates 371 k texlive-uebungsblatt noarch 4:svn15878.v1.5.0-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-ulem noarch 4:svn26785.0-19.fc23 updates 36 k texlive-umoline noarch 4:svn19085.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-umtypewriter noarch 4:svn18651.001.002-19.fc23 updates 378 k texlive-underlin noarch 4:svn15878.1.01-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-underoverlap noarch 4:svn29019.0.0.1_r1-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-underscore noarch 4:svn18261.0-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-undolabl noarch 4:svn25010.1.0k-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-unicode-math noarch 4:svn30504.0.7d-19.fc23 updates 71 k texlive-units noarch 4:svn15878.0.9b-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-universa noarch 4:svn15878.2.0-19.fc23 updates 57 k texlive-unravel noarch 4:svn31307.0-19.fc23 updates 51 k texlive-upmethodology noarch 4:svn33091.0-19.fc23 updates 52 k texlive-upquote noarch 4:svn26059.v1.3-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-uri noarch 4:svn21608.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-url noarch 4:svn32528.3.4-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-urwchancal noarch 4:svn21701.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-ushort noarch 4:svn32261.2.2-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-utopia noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 243 k texlive-varindex noarch 4:svn32262.2.3-19.fc23 updates 33 k texlive-varsfromjobname noarch 4:svn15878.0.5-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-varwidth noarch 4:svn24104.0.92-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-vdmlisting noarch 4:svn29944.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-venndiagram noarch 4:svn28069.1.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-venturisadf noarch 4:svn19444.1.005-19.fc23 updates 4.0 M texlive-verbasef noarch 4:svn21922.1.1-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-verbatimbox noarch 4:svn33197.3.13-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-verbatimcopy noarch 4:svn15878.0.06-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-verbdef noarch 4:svn17177.0.2-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-verbments noarch 4:svn23670.1.2-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-version noarch 4:svn21920.2.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-versions noarch 4:svn21921.0.55-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-vertbars noarch 4:svn20589.1.0b-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-vgrid noarch 4:svn32457.0.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-vhistory noarch 4:svn30080.1.6.1-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-vmargin noarch 4:svn15878.2.5-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-volumes noarch 4:svn15878.1.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-vpe noarch 4:svn26039.0.2-19.fc23 updates 35 k texlive-vpe-bin noarch 4:svn6897.0-19.20140525_r34255.fc23 updates 26 k texlive-vruler noarch 4:svn21598.2.3-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-vwcol noarch 4:svn15878.0.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-wallpaper noarch 4:svn15878.1.10-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-warning noarch 4:svn22028.0.01-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-warpcol noarch 4:svn15878.1.0c-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-was noarch 4:svn21439.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-wasy noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 266 k texlive-wasysym noarch 4:svn15878.2.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-widetable noarch 4:svn16082.1.1-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-williams noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-withargs noarch 4:svn31906.0-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-wordlike noarch 4:svn15878.1.2b-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-wrapfig noarch 4:svn22048.3.6-19.fc23 updates 36 k texlive-wsuipa noarch 4:svn25469.0-19.fc23 updates 70 k texlive-xargs noarch 4:svn15878.1.1-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-xcharter noarch 4:svn32717.1.02-19.fc23 updates 584 k texlive-xcolor noarch 4:svn15878.2.11-19.fc23 updates 45 k texlive-xcomment noarch 4:svn20031.1.3-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-xdoc noarch 4:svn15878.prot2.5-19.fc23 updates 40 k texlive-xdvi noarch 4:svn30339.22.86-19.fc23 updates 70 k texlive-xdvi-bin aarch64 4:svn30088.0-19.20140525_r34255.fc23 updates 295 k texlive-xfor noarch 4:svn15878.1.05-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-xhfill noarch 4:svn22575.1.01-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-xifthen noarch 4:svn15878.1.3-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-xint noarch 4:svn33347.1.09n-19.fc23 updates 76 k texlive-xits noarch 4:svn32763.1.108-19.fc23 updates 559 k texlive-xkeyval noarch 4:svn27995.2.6a-19.fc23 updates 37 k texlive-xltxtra noarch 4:svn30466.0.5e-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-xmpincl noarch 4:svn15878.2.2-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-xnewcommand noarch 4:svn15878.1.2-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-xoptarg noarch 4:svn15878.1.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-xpatch noarch 4:svn27897.0.2-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-xpeek noarch 4:svn27442.0.2-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-xpicture noarch 4:svn28770.1.2a-19.fc23 updates 36 k texlive-xpunctuate noarch 4:svn26641.0-19.fc23 updates 27 k texlive-xstring noarch 4:svn31900.1.7c-19.fc23 updates 39 k texlive-xtab noarch 4:svn23347.2.3f-19.fc23 updates 31 k texlive-xunicode noarch 4:svn30466.0.981-19.fc23 updates 54 k texlive-xwatermark noarch 4:svn28090.1.5.2d-19.fc23 updates 44 k texlive-xyling noarch 4:svn15878.1.1-19.fc23 updates 37 k texlive-xypic noarch 4:svn31859.3.8.9-19.fc23 updates 768 k texlive-xytree noarch 4:svn15878.1.5-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-yafoot noarch 4:svn19086.0-19.fc23 updates 30 k texlive-yagusylo noarch 4:svn29803.1.2-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-ydoc noarch 4:svn26202.0.6alpha-19.fc23 updates 37 k texlive-yfonts noarch 4:svn15878.1.3-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-yplan noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 29 k texlive-zapfchan noarch 4:svn31835.0-19.fc23 updates 113 k texlive-zapfding noarch 4:svn31835.0-19.fc23 updates 75 k texlive-zed-csp noarch 4:svn17258.0-19.fc23 updates 34 k texlive-ziffer noarch 4:svn32279.2.1-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-zlmtt noarch 4:svn32984.1.0-19.fc23 updates 32 k texlive-zwgetfdate noarch 4:svn15878.0-19.fc23 updates 28 k texlive-zwpagelayout noarch 4:svn28846.1.4c-19.fc23 updates 36 k urw-fonts noarch 3:2.4-21.fc23 fedora 3.0 M vim-filesystem aarch64 2:7.4.827-1.fc23 fedora 22 k xml-common noarch 0.6.3-43.fc23 fedora 31 k xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi noarch 7.5-15.fc23 fedora 1.1 M xorg-x11-proto-devel noarch 7.7-18.fc23 updates 287 k zlib-devel aarch64 1.2.8-9.fc23 fedora 55 k zziplib aarch64 0.13.62-6.fc23 fedora 84 k Updating for dependencies: bzip2-libs aarch64 1.0.6-19.fc23 updates 44 k cpp aarch64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 6.8 M gcc aarch64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 15 M gcc-gdb-plugin aarch64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 80 k krb5-libs aarch64 1.14.1-1.fc23 updates 793 k libgcc aarch64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 81 k libgomp aarch64 5.3.1-2.fc23 updates 149 k libpng aarch64 2:1.6.19-2.fc23 updates 112 k openssl-libs aarch64 1:1.0.2g-2.fc23 updates 912 k pcre aarch64 8.38-7.fc23 updates 429 k perl aarch64 4:5.22.1-351.fc23 updates 6.8 M perl-libs aarch64 4:5.22.1-351.fc23 updates 744 k
Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 11 Packages (+1668 Dependent packages) Upgrade ( 12 Dependent packages)
Total download size: 462 M Downloading packages: No Presto metadata available for updates [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:" Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:" Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Could not resolve host:" Trying other mirror.
Error downloading packages: libjpeg-turbo-devel-1.4.1-2.fc23.aarch64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. mesa-libGLU-9.0.0-9.fc23.aarch64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. gtk-update-icon-cache-3.18.9-1.fc23.aarch64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
+ true + ./scripts/buildrpm ~/workspace/build-odp-rpm/label/docker-fedora23-aarch64/odp ~/workspace/build-odp-rpm/label/docker-fedora23-aarch64/odp aclocal -I config -I m4 ./bootstrap: line 3: aclocal: command not found + libtoolize --copy ./bootstrap: line 4: libtoolize: command not found + autoheader ./bootstrap: line 5: autoheader: command not found + automake --add-missing --copy --warnings=all ./bootstrap: line 6: automake: command not found + autoconf --force ./bootstrap: line 7: autoconf: command not found Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure [copy-to-slave] Copying '*rpm, repo.parameters', excluding nothing, from '' on 'DockerSlave{name=aarch64-02-233c37b41c7d, containerId=233c37b41c7d213ab9b5e6ba393b703cf0c8cc34c4fa43aa0eb89ee9b5abc0d8, template=DockerTemplate{configVersion=2, labelString='docker-fedora23-aarch64', launcher=com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.launcher.DockerComputerSSHLauncher@1fccbdc3, remoteFsMapping='', remoteFs='/home/buildslave', instanceCap=3, mode=EXCLUSIVE, retentionStrategy=com.nirima.jenkins.plugins.docker.strategy.DockerOnceRetentionStrategy@27eda33d, numExecutors=1, dockerTemplateBase=DockerTemplateBase{image=linaro/fedora23-aarch64}, removeVolumes=false, pullStrategy=PULL_LATEST}}' to 'file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/build-odp-rpm/workspace/label/docker-fedora23-aarch64/' on the master.