I've just invited a bunch of attendees at linaro connect for cross-distribution meeting in the next connect. Sadly it's not officially on the scheduled talks, so there is no remote participation this time. However you still have a change to reply here and add items to our agenda :)
Draft agenda:
- Review status of various distributions ARMv7 and ARMv8 support - Discuss boot environment standardization (U-Boot/UEFI/GRUB..) - uEnv.txt - legacy platforms - Installers vs pre-built images - What remaning OSS software needs to be ported to ARMv8 - Identifying common pain points Linaro could solve
Also, if you are interested in the session and didn't get an invite from me - just mail me and I'll add you to the meeting in zerista - or just pop up at the Platform hacking room in tuesday. The meeting might move somewhere else, but people in the room will be able to give the directions to the moved meeting.