Spam detection software, running on the system "ip-10-142-244-252.ec2.internal", has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original message has been attached to this so you can view it or label similar future email. If you have any questions, see @@CONTACT_ADDRESS@@ for details.
Content preview: Sveiki, Norime Jums pasiÅ«lyti bÅ«dÄ , kaip greitai susirasti naujų klientų. Jei susidomÄjote, paraÅ¡ysime plaÄiau. [...]
Content analysis details: (5.0 points, 5.0 required)
pts rule name description ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1.2 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in [Blocked - see] 2.7 RCVD_IN_PSBL RBL: Received via a relay in PSBL [ listed in] 0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See for more information. [URIs:] -0.0 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H4 RBL: Very Good reputation (+4) [ listed in] 0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider (vertaskliento[at] 0.0 MIME_HTML_MOSTLY BODY: Multipart message mostly text/html MIME 0.7 MPART_ALT_DIFF BODY: HTML and text parts are different 0.3 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_04 BODY: HTML: images with 0-400 bytes of words 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message -0.0 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_WL Mailspike good senders 0.0 T_REMOTE_IMAGE Message contains an external image
The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to open with some email clients; in particular, it may contain a virus, or confirm that your address can receive spam. If you wish to view it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.