Hi Team,
When trying to boot-up BeagleBoneBlack Platform using UEFI with below
procedure (instead of U-boot), ran into following issue.
Followed Web link :
I had a doubt on the provided git repository in this procedure. Does this
repo supports BeagelBoneBlack Platform?
*Error when Tried in Qemu: *
EhcCreateUsb2Hc: capability length 0
EhcDriverBindingStart: failed to create USB2_HC
ERROR: Did not find Linux kernel.
[1] Linux from SD
- Arguments: console=tty0 console=ttyS2,115200n8
root=UUID=a4af765b-c2b5-48f4-9564-7a4e9104c4f6 rootwait ro earlyprintk
- LoaderType: Linux kernel with ATAG support
[2] Shell
[3] Boot Manager
Start: qemu: terminating on signal 2
*Error ; sd Card : **DATA abort Error coming when tried booting thru
Could you please help in debug this issue?