Hi all,
The OpenAMP-remoteproc working group is looking forward to discuss OpenAMP bindings with the System DT working group & all others interested in System DT.
Best regards,
Nathalie C. Chan King Choy
Program Manager focused on Open Source & Community
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Hi All,
We are interested in adopting EBBR as the boot specification for the
embedded RISC-V platforms.
We firmly believe that EBBR is a very well defined specification for
boot requirement and there
is no need for reinventing the wheel for RISC-V. Hence, this is a
thread to discuss all the requirements
for adding RISC-V to EBBR. Here is my current understanding. Please
correct me if I am wrong.
Logistic Requirement:
1. As per the contribution guidelines[1], patches should be sent to
and the specification will be hosted under "ARM-software" Github.
I am hoping that introducing RISC-V
related changes are okay with the current maintainers.
2. The specification is licensed under Creative Commons. The RISC-V
related changes will refer to
some of the RISC-V specifications as well. AFAIK, there shouldn't
be an issue with that.
3. It should be okay to add other copyrights in addition to "Arm
Limited and Contributors".
Technical Requirement:
1. Software status:
a. UEFI support for RISC-V Linux kernel is already available in
the mailing list[2]. The targeted upstream
merge is the 5.10 merge window.
b. U-Boot already supports UEFI for RISC-V.
c. EDK2 upstreaming is currently under progress [3] as well.
Is it okay to start sending patches for EBBR RISC-V related changes
now or do we need to wait for EDK2 and Linux
kernel patches to be available upstream ?
2. RISC-V related sections in EBBR
a. UEFI:
Currently, RISC-V doesn't support a EFI_RESET_SYSTEM boot
service as firmware doesn't have a standard way
to reset the system. There is a proposal to add a system reset
function to Supervisor Binary Specification(SBI) which
can be mapped to EFI_RESET_SYSTEM by the firmware. Apart from
that, I believe RISC-V supports all UEFI boot and
run time services mandated by EBBR. Is it a blocker for RISC-V
EBBR compatibility?
b. RISC-V Multiprocessor Startup Protocol: This section will
contain the details of booting protocol for RISC-V and mandatory
RISC-V specifications that need to be implemented.
c. Firmware Storage: AFAIK, RISC-V platforms are already
compatible with this.
Please let me know if I missed something or oversimplified any
requirement. We want to make RISC-V compatible with EBBR
sooner than later and ready work on any missing pieces if any.
[1] https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst
[2] https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/8/19/1252
[3] https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/63831?p=,,,20,0,0,0::Created,,RISC-V…
[4] https://lists.riscv.org/g/tech-unixplatformspec/message/49?p=,,,20,0,0,0::r…