We will have an EBBR call[1] today, Sep 11, at 15h BST (14h UTC). On the agenda[2] we have a number of pull requests to review:
- #[106]: Recommend usage of partition type GUIDs to find firmware (Heinrich)
- #[107]: Support Armv8-R AArch64 - #[108]: Add smbios tables details - #[109]: Add an extension for UEFI references
Also some discussions topics have been proposed:
- Secure boot with systemd-boot requires EFI_SECURITY_ARCH_PROTOCOL and EFI_SECURITY2_ARCH_PROTOCOL (Heinrich)
- Info: upcoming BBR ECR #634 forbidding some SMCs after ExitBootServices
- "Platform firmware must not implement any SMC calls from the SMCCC Vendor Specific EL3 Monitor range (FIDs 0x8700_0000—0x8700_FFFF and 0xC700_0000—0xC700_FFFF) after ExitBootServices." (info from Jose)
- Should we specify which Devicetree nodes are allowed? (suggested by Sughosh)
Feel free to add to the agenda, directly on the wiki page or by e-mail. We can use this pad[3] for the meeting notes.
Best regards,
Vincent Stehlé System Architect - Arm
[1]: https://armltd.zoom.us/j/92081365511?pwd=SFZpRitXUEp3Zy9GM0h3UUZ1b1pnUT09 [2]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/wiki/EBBR-Meetings [3]: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/ebbr-call-of-sep-11-a368 [106]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/pull/106 [107]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/pull/107 [108]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/pull/108 [109]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/pull/109