We will have an EBBR call[1] today, Feb 12, at 15h UTC/BST. We have a couple of topics on the agenda[2]:
- Pull request #[115]: Bump PSCI + recommend >= 1.0 - Heads up on upcoming work on A/B update from SysArchAc IoT
Feel free to add to the agenda, directly on the wiki page or by e-mail. We can use this pad[3] for the meeting notes.
Best regards,
Vincent Stehlé System Architect - Arm
[1]: https://armltd.zoom.us/j/92081365511?pwd=SFZpRitXUEp3Zy9GM0h3UUZ1b1pnUT09 [2]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/wiki/EBBR-Meetings [3]: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/ebbr-call-of-feb-12-a60x [115]: https://github.com/ARM-software/ebbr/pull/115