All, I'm writing a blog on Linaro's reorganisation (sounds fascinating doesn't it?). I'm more talking about directions than teams etc, it's not a list of groups / SIGs etc. One area I'd like to highlight is the importance of EBBR to LEDGE (aka Fog and Networking). Some thoughts / questions:
[1] do others believe that EBBR is key to Fog / Edge? I'm less convinced that Device land will see the push (their is a symbiotic link between gateways and devices, with gateways being the 'point of security' for their 'slave' devices).
[2] EBBR et al is complex, so moving down the reference platform route makes sense (to me at least). I know that reference platforms created a lot of debate in Linaro in LEG, but I think that has settled down now, with everyone understanding what they are and are not and where the value is.
[3] I presume the best way to reference EBBR is via the git repository. Any other information I should reference (email lists etc)?
Many thanks, David