Hi There is bit of discussion on linux-efi too , to handle DT update
I guess some members of this forum are active there too.
To summaries 1/ Ownership of DTB IMO should be firmware and we should retain this ownership in EBBR as well, Any objections/thoughts ?
Update 1/ Updating whole device tree from OS [Capsule update can be used ]
2/ Just modifying the device tree DTBO
My preferred way to handle DTBO in firmware will be https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/dto/multiple See picture Runtime DTO implementation for multiple DTs
To store this information in partition, options we have 1/ Run time variables 2/ Some driver in Linux writing to DTBO partition 3/ Some other way ??
I am not sure, if distro are updating device tree which is default shipped with board ??
Thanks Udit