Hi Guys ,
I am working on a samsung sp5v310 development kit. I wanted to read a peripheral register (battery charger) in u-boot. This device is interfaced on i2c0. I am working with the u-boot in git://git.linaro.org/boot/u-boot-linaro-stable.git
I wanted to do i2c_read in the code, but as i understand the i2c support is not there in u-boot for s5pv310 SOCs. Please confirm, if this is correct or i am wrong.
If there is support to do i2c operations on s5pv310 SOCs, please point me to the right file, where i can find i2c configurations for s5pv310 SOCs.
thanks, - Avinash
PS: 1. There are no i2c macros in include/configs/smdkv310.h. 2. After adding,below macros to enable i2c support for smdkv310,
/* I1C */ #define CONFIG_HARD_I2C 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SPEED 100000 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_SLAVE 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_BUS 0 #define CONFIG_SYS_I2C_BUS_SELECT 1 #define CONFIG_I2C_MULTI_BUS 1
i get below error: /media/data/avinash/c.labs/ git.clones/bootloader/uboot/arch/arm/lib/board.c:189: undefined reference to `i2c_init' common/libcommon.o: In function `stdio_init': /media/data/avinash/c.labs/git.clones/bootloader/uboot/common/stdio.c:215: undefined reference to `i2c_init'
And there are no i2c related support inside the u-boot for samsung smdkv310.
avinash@avinash-desktop:/media/data/avinash/c.labs/git.clones/bootloader-new/uboot$ grep -inlr 'v310' . > v310.files.txt avinash@avinash-desktop:/media/data/avinash/c.labs/git.clones/bootloader-new/uboot$ cat v310.files.txt | xargs grep -inr 'i2c_init' Binary file ./uboot.PS matches avinash@avinash-desktop:/media/data/avinash/c.labs/git.clones/bootloader-new/uboot$