Anyone knows what is the status of standardizing firmware handoff (when starting BL33) ? Here is a reference to the topic: https://github.com/FirmwareHandoff/firmware_handoff
I would be interested in both standard text and standard implementation in TFA.
The context is portability of type-1 hypervisors that need to be fully in control of security and thus execute BL33 in an ad hoc "VM". The rationale is to isolate everything that deals with devices or IO (at its core, a hypervisor deals only with CPU, RAM, MMU, SMMU, GIC).
PS: To explore how easy it is to boot a hypervisor with either booti, bootefi or BL33 I published a Rust tool (barekit) that can do precisely that (and much more as it can be used to create BL32 or even a Rust based FF-A implementation): https://www.linkedin.com/posts/fozog_github-fozogbarekit-rust-base-code-to-a... https://github.com/fozog/barekit