@LKCL +1 for the "freedom" ARM conference/discussion!
low-bandwidth audio/video streaming
at least - record of the Video would be really helpful, as for me - i like the quality video-report -- more than poor one-side streaming. However (except "poor") -- both are better..
Most of - depends on format/size of the conference/talk
plus IRC
for sure - could be useful if the streaming would be organized, - for a feedback/comments on particular talks, watching the web-stream (one-sided or not).
@Jon Masters
We'll try to arrange a dialin number.
if it is a Californian(or wherever) phone number for the voice "teleconference".. with some IRC back-channel like "you guys are" often make.. oh.. Please, -- No! You could do better!
maybe leverage some tech like http://michael.stapelberg.de/Artikel/video_chat_with_pidgin or http://www.gnutelephony.org/index.php/GNU_Telephony or something else.. Instruction would be helpful, but, it is the conference for Linux "hackers", in the end..
PS: well, at least i'v tried :)