first of all, this isn't meant to be a distro trolling discussion, there
are better places for that ;-)
several days ago google HO started to fail after updating my debian/sid
setup. as discussed on G+ [1] and on googlegroups [2], that seemed to be
impacting anyone on debian/sid. when i realized that it was working on
debian/testing (Jessie) i decided just use 'testing'... however since last
evening update on 'testing', it started to fail too.. leaving me without
any working HO at all, which is quite inconvenient at Linaro..
after bisecting my system using snapshot.debian.org, i figured out which
package was the culprit:
# apt-cache policy libcairo2
Installed: 1.12.14-4
Candidate: 1.12.14-4
Package pin: 1.12.14-4
Version table:
1.12.16-2 1001
500 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian/ testing/main amd64 Packages
*** 1.12.14-4 1001
500 http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20130927T214600Z/testing/main
amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Simply downgrading libcairo2 [3] 'fixes' the problem. I know it's not
'fixing' it really, but i hope that this will be enough information so that
the real fix is uploaded.
In the mean time, if any of use use Debian , you can use that as a
[1] https://plus.google.com/u/0/108790110407014289037/posts/5q22d1ReavG
[2] https://productforums.google.com/d/msg/hangouts/vYsaeEnXJXs/hOy2HaW5LKoJ
Someone asked if this worked, and I thought 'that's trivial to test with
multiarch' so I did.
On Saucy (where there is no multiarch version skew issue between binary versions of packages) the
dpkg --add-architecutre armhf
apt-get update
apt-get install links:armhf
part works very nicely. Everything installs as required.
However binaries don't run - they just get killed.
Apparently no-one has tried this for a couple of years since it was
last working...(Or is it working on other platforms? - apparently it's OK
on android)
Turns out that our arm64 kernel config has:
but armhf binaries tend to get mmapped at 0x8000 (32K).
On armhf that value is set to
This difference is to protect page0 even if large pages are enabled
which seems sensible enough, but has this unfortunate side-effect.
So either we need to stop doing that (What would be the consequences of
setting 4096 by default on arm64?) or change something in the loader to
stop mapping things below 64K, which I think involves glibc hackery.
Running 32-bit binaries is quite seriously broken until this is fixed. I
presume this currently isn't on anyone's list to fix? I'm not sure who's
list it should go on.
part2: Once this is fixed with:
sudo sysctl -w vm.mmap_min_addr=4096
some binaries work (hello, bzip2) but fancier things still don't (links,
wget). They segfault after loading libs. I'm still investigating that,
but it looks like we have at least two issues..
So this mail is really to ask what the best fix is and thus who will
deal with it? Do I need to file a bug or a card somewhere?
Possibly more to follow when I work out what else is wrong...
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
Does anyone know how to increase the disk size on Foundation Model?
For some reason, the network connectivity to the foundation model (via ssh
localhost) doesn't work reliably. So my earlier attempts to mount my host
computer's drive and get things done doesn't work reliably either. Now I
am stuck with the initial 8GB or so hard disk on the foundation model which
is insufficient for any meaningful work.
Appreciate any help.
Thanks & Regards,
I am facing a bug with starting the foundation model using the following
Foundation_v8pkg/models/Linux64_GCC-4.1$ ./Foundation_v8
--openembedded_lamp-armv8_20130719-403.img --network=nat
Any one has faced this problem before..?
Any ideas on how to uninstall the foundation model..?
The problem seems to be that after the start up for some reason 'ps' is
being being run ( I dont know who is running that) continuously.. So I dont
get to the command prompt at all. As you can see below the console keeps
outputting the following continuously:
. . .
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:50 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:51 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:51 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:51 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:51 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:52 mysqld_safe Number of processes running now: 0
130722 06:41:52 mysqld_safe mysqld restarted
ps: invalid option -- 'x'
BusyBox v1.21.1 (2013-07-20 01:25:13 UTC) multi-call binary.
Usage: ps
130722 06:41:52 mysqld_safe Number of processe
. . .