Hi Jim,
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Jim Huang jim.huang@linaro.org wrote:
Hello list,
If you build Android using gcc-linaro-4.5-2011.05 [1], you will encounter a problem that bootanimation shows endless. It results from the mis-optimization in libgui, which handles the operations in Android SensorManager.
To work around this problem, you can apply the following patch:
--- a/libs/gui/Android.mk +++ b/libs/gui/Android.mk @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \
in channel you said that -O1 is also working ... do we need O0 here?
one idea would be to make a list of all optimizations that come for O2 and then spin builds with adding one at a time ... in that way we can narrow down things. Not sure if that would be helpful for fixing the issue.
we definitly should file a bug against linaro-android project and then also add gcc-linaro project so it gets visibility of toolchain WG.