On 15 Jul 2010, at 13:56, Wookey wrote:
+++ Michael Hope [2010-07-15 16:16 +1200]:
I'm terrible with faces and worse with names. I couldn't resist knocking up a quick set of flash cards: http://wiki.seabright.co.nz/linaro-boo/
This is generated from the Engineeering Team wiki page by a simple Python script. Let me know if you want to be removed.
Nifty - not sure why Loic is in 3 times? Maybe it's really important that we remember who he is? :-)
Because Loïc's has shamelessly plastered his face on the Engineering Team page three times. On a similar note, every time my photo comes up it looks like someone else, I'm slimmer and more good looking in real life as everyone else can obviously point out ;)
Regards, Jamie.