On 01/20/2011 08:36 PM, Jesse Barker wrote:
For your OMAP3 board, you are probably better off sticking with the
ubuntu packages
(you'll need to add multiverse in order to find the various
'*-sgx-omap3' packages)
as that will get you up and running fastest.
Thanks for that hint, I didn't know there are packages for that. Of course, I was eager to try it out. But there is a nasty dependency, or a missing compiled kernel object module: The lib*-sgx-omap3 packages have a dependency to powervr-omap3-dkms (maybe via opengles-sgx-omap3, I'm not sure about the details), which is *source code*, and comes with a huuuge dependency to gcc, binutils, kernel headers... All in all a whopping addon of ~300MB to my wannabe tiny embedded system... ;-)
Anyway, it wants to be compiled on the target, so I tried. The compilation under /usr/src/powervr-omap3- failed. A makefile variable KERNELDIR did not get assigned. I still have to look at the details, but I found hard-coded paths to somebodys home directory in there.
So long Jörg