On 02/13/2013 10:44 AM, Olivier Martin wrote:
Instead of using: #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG) (...) #endif
It would be better to use: DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN(); (...) DEBUG_CODE_END();
The reason is you can be in debug build and disable debug code (and/or disable other things such as ASSERT). See definition of PcdDebugPropertyMask for the full list of debug properties.
These macros insert code which would place the variable definition inside an "if" statement. This usage violates the Coding Standard on page 30: "The data declarations must be the first code in a module." "Data declarations appearing anywhere but at the beginning of the module are illegal."
The EDK2 coding convention (http://sourceforge.net/projects/edk2/files/General%20Documentation/EDK%20II %20C%20Coding%20Standards%20Specification.pdf/download) says we should not write this kind of variable declaration: EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
See page 30: "Initializing a variable as part of its declaration is illegal."
This restriction is violated in almost every case in the files I patched. I merely coded my changes to blend in with the surrounding code, as any good maintenance programmer would do.
The coding standard's requirement is, in this case, contrary to commonly accepted coding practice in the industry for the last decade. It really should be removed from the DRAFT standard.
The mandatory space between the function name and the opening paren of its argument list needs to go away too: the vast majority of the programmers I've spoken with read that as missing a binary operator between a variable and a parenthized expression. They have to re-read the code several times before it becomes apparent that this is a function call and not a coding error. The existence of documented exceptions (macro definitions, etc.) support the argument that it's a bad practice.
Feel free to change the patch as you see fit. I never expected to publish these changes; they were intended only to help me figure out why I couldn't build a standard target in my development environment. Ryan asked for copies so I provided them.