On 06/16/2011 10:19 AM, Somebody in the thread at some point said:
I get the same with linaro-media-create... when I asked about it I was told it's something to do with a race with my USB<-> uSD adapter.
A workaround is to use the option on lmc to create the image to a local file, and then dd it on to your actual card by hand.
Aah, it will be nice to have a wiki page that just describes what this lmc does, like formatting card and flashing binaries. So, that people can try their luck :).
It probably exists, I'm just trying to apply a band-aid with what I know offhand.
qemu: fatal: cp15 insn ee1d6f70
I am using ubuntu-10.10.
l-m-c insists on having a modern QEMU I was told.