On 22 March 2011 06:47, Alexander Sack asac@linaro.org wrote:
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Jeremy Chang jeremy.chang@linaro.org wrote:
+dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard 7 /devices/platform/mmci-omap-hs.0/mmc_host/mmc0
from what i understand this hardcodes that our sdcard partition is partition 7 right?
Yes, it was hardcoded.
Remember, that eventually we will move to "by-name" or "by-uuid" not only because it feels cleaner, but also because the partition offset for our validation farm install might be different.
But vold has its own logic and why not keep the same configurations as Android tends to take? I mean, we can always prepare the well-defined layout and vold.fstab in advance.
Adding new codes to vold might not be a good idea since Google always tries to improve user-space utilities and their configurations.
Is there a way to also express this here? Otherwise, I would think that we have to keep the "mount" in the init.rc. Or would we also work on adding "by-name" here?
In my opinion, providing flexible ways in /init (no visible changes by each Android release) is good because we have to make sure that we can always boot from storage, and then we can do something automated such as adb. While, it might not be the same if we modify vold (always changed).
Just my two cents.
Regards, -jserv