On 12/19/2011 02:25 PM, Somebody in the thread at some point said:
On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Andy Greenandy.green@linaro.org wrote:
On 12/19/2011 12:17 AM, Somebody in the thread at some point said:
Hi Ricardo,
With working HDMI output on the original panda board, and Wei's new release of patches to alsa-lib and pulseaudio, I've updated both alsa-lib and pulseaudio for 11.12 in ppa:linaro-maintainers/overlay. Sound on the panda over HDMI from my testing works out of the box. It's not perfect but it works. I will repeat this same test with my imx53 shortly.
For all on the dev list, be aware that audio is in a state of flux and while we'd like to avoid defects they are likely. The Multimedia WG is putting substantial effort into having a "just works" level of quality for supported boards.
A very bit thank you is in order for Wei Feng for his hard work on 11.12! Good job! One small sound for an ARM board, but a big noise for Linaro when we can say, "It just works."
That's cool, still want to test the support, but nice to know that it's working at Panda.
That is indeed good news, thanks a lot guys.
About Panda UCM, last week I noticed though that there is different wiring on input side between 4430 Panda (line in goes to analogue headset mic inputs on twl6040) and 4460 Panda (line in goes to FM analogue inputs). So this week I plan to make changes to the onboard audio driver to change its alsa card name based on what board it's on, with a view to elaborating out the UCM directories so the recording case is handled correctly depending on the board.
At the moment, the two recording cases in UCM for Panda anyway are broken so hopefully there'll be fixes for that too.
Do you have any idea when you'll be pushing the new patches?
I'm planning to do the card dynamic naming and fix up the UCM side this week.
However there are two funnies left, one is L3 bus exception coming from ABE when pulse touches it, which Liam has reproduced IIRC and the other is one stereo channel records correctly while the other records white noise (on both 4430 and 4460).