On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 04:24:17PM -0500, Zach Pfeffer wrote:
"What I think we need is for Linaro to take charge of common-3.x, ie, a linaro-common-tracking branch. That will let anyone 'androidize' Linus HEAD based trees, which you can't do routinely at the moment. I guess usually, it's no so painful to continuously uplevel Android patchset day by day unless some gross conflict is coming."
John's opinion is that this upleveling isn't trivial and that we should wait for Google to do it since they're the experts.
So how do we accomplish this common tracking branch across new releases of upstream? Or am I misunderstanding Andy's idea -- is he not suggesting we have something which is Linus HEAD plus Android patches?
Should we just shoot for only making Android builds from upstreamed work (kernel.org and AOSP) and not worry about hardware enablement unless that enablement can be done in an upstreamable way?
If the question is simply that, the answer is of course no -- the Landing Team trees can contain stuff which is not-yet-upstreamable, and we should still use them for Android builds if they can be used for that.
But I think you're asking a different question.