(please drop cc's other than debian-policy in replies if you want to work on that)
Hi Wookey,
Wookey wrote:
Debian policy (8.2) says:
It is recommended that supporting files and run-time support programs that do not need to be invoked manually by users, but are nevertheless required for the package to function, be placed (if they are binary) in a subdirectory of /usr/lib, preferably under /usr/lib/package-name. If the program or file is architecture independent, the recommendation is for it to be placed in a subdirectory of /usr/share instead,
For multiarch, or existing dpkg-cross cross-compiling, to work, arch-dependent needs to mean either form _or_ content (see below for elaboration).
I always had thought that it's content and that the "if they are binary" is only a red herring. I agree with you that the policy ought to be clarified. Thanks for bringing this up.
Regards, Jonathan