Forgot to mention the NEON optimization tags in got some seeds:
On 14/09/11 22:07, Ilias Biris wrote:
Status report in :
Last meeting minutes:
== Highlights ==
- 1109: some small changes. There will be no speex codec optimization
during 1109. That work was postponed for a number of reasons - mentioned in the status report above. Suffice it to say that the work did not make sense anymore. Despite this postponing of the optimization work for speex, there is possibility to make a speex package available through the Multimedia WG PPA to try on ARM.
- 1109 [Community effort] - the x264 work was split a bit more - there
are now 3 avenues for the optimization, through parameters, preload engine, and NEON. For 1109 the community folks will provide instructions on how to set parameters in order to enable real-time encoder for video conferencing - this will be provided in the wiki
- OpenMAX presentation created and shared with linaro-dev (thread :
- UMM documentation updated - this needs to be hosted in a better place
following Kiko's friendly reminders.
- HDMI audio output has issue in certain resolution mode (1360x768) -
bug has been reported and is being investigated now
- Tom Gall is doing some side-by-side comparison of LJT on android using
Nexus One devices. Possibly youtube material from this experiment.
Let me know if you have questions or if something is unclear/missing from this report.