On Sat, 2011-02-19 at 21:46 +0900, sola wrote:
2011/2/19 john stultz johnstul@us.ibm.com:
Although I have one more concern: Since it wasn't in the last version of the patch, did you add Masashi YOKOTA's signed-off-by line? If the original patch did not have his signed-off by line, you should not add it (and from my searching, it doesn't seem like it was originally made available as a patch, but as a driver tarball).
I added. Signed-off-by: Masashi YOKOTAyokota@pylone.jp
Just be sure in the future to only add your own signed-off-by, and only when you agree with the developers certification of origin.
After deleting the line, re-post patch? When re-posting, Yokota added to CC.
Yes please. Then we can merge it into the linaro.android tree and maybe push to mainline as well.
thanks -john