A summary from this weeks kernel consolidation working group meeting is now available. It can be viewed online at the following link and is reproduced below.
A list of all meetings can be found at:
== Wed 7th July 2010 == === Attendees === Jamie Bennett Matt Wadde Jeremy Kerr Nicolas Pitre Amit Kucheria Loïc Minier David Rusling John Rigby Arnd Bergmann
=== Agenda === * Action items from last meeting. * Matt to check that the arm_next.git tree has everything we need and works * Nicolas to review latest round of patches from Jeremy, then can include in arm_next and push to Russell * Matt checkout status of device tree support for his board * Jeremy to chat with Nicolas about documenting boot interface * Loic create Launchpad project and processes around kernel consolidation * npitre to find a way to expose the list of trees merged in arm_next.git via a wiki page * npitre tested his stack-overflow module on x86 and the issue is present as well and needs to find out whether it's a bug in the compiler or in his code * lool to invite jcrigby explicitly
* Blueprint status. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-using-device-tree-on-arm https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-kernel-version-alignment https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/linaro-pm-wg/+spec/arm-m-kernel-power-... https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-missing-security-feature... https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-debugging-with-oprofile https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-alsa-soc-fdt-bindings https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-arm-singl... https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/arm-m-versatile-express-a9-ena...
=== Action Items === * Matt to code review the arm_next.git tree and check that all patches are present. * jk to report on progress of talking to Grant WRT upstreaming his patches. * mwaddel to talk to ARM about device-tree work. * Jeremy to chat with Nicolas about documenting boot interface. * npitre to find a way to expose the list of trees merged in arm_next.git via a wiki page. * jcrigby to talk to slangasek about the list of kernel flavours to produce. * amitk to report back the status on linux-omap's patches. * jcrigby to determine if versatile is still needed. * lool to check that -fPIE support is currently enabled in the Linaro toolchain. * npitre and arnd to review ericm's single zImage patches. * ericm to send single zImage patches to russelking after they have been reviewed. * jcrigby and lool to arrange a uboot specific call for interested team members.
=== Minutes === ==== Action item review ==== * mwaddel is still working on checking arm_next.git tree. He hasn't managed to boot it yet due to issues. A code review is needed. * [ACTION] Matt to code review the arm_next.git tree and check that all patches are present. * npitre has been working with jk to review his latest round of patches. The process is ongoing and some clean-up is needed. The main problem is that jk's patches depend on some patches from Grant Likely and Grants aren't upstream yet. * jk explained that Grant is working on upstreaming his patches and he foresees no problems. * [ACTION] jk to report on progress of talking to Grant WRT upstreaming his patches. * mwaddel committed to talking to ARM to discuss device-tree work. * [ACTION] mwaddel to talk to ARM about device-tree work. * 3 patches still remain on the boot interface and jk is still working on them. npitre needs to review. * [ACTION] Jeremy to chat with Nicolas about documenting boot interface. * lool asked the working group to email him activity reports weekly to facilitate the production of a weekly report. * npitre didn't manage to complete an action item on the list of trees merged in arm_next.git. This was carried over. * [ACTION] npitre to find a way to expose the list of trees merged in arm_next.git via a wiki page. * [ACTION] npitre to describe the problem he is having with the stack-overflow module and pass this onto a tool chain person for investigation. * jcrigby will take up the packaging of the kernel tree. * [ACTION] jcrigby to talk to slangasek about the list of kernel flavours to produce.
==== Blueprint Status ==== * jk explained that the last week has been spent rebasing his current patches and working with npitre to review them. * He also mentioned that no new hardware had been enabled and will not be until the current patchset is approved. * OMAP3 and OMAP4 is being worked by Linaro and its partners, patches will be fed into the Linaro kernel. * Some partners want complete tree branches merging into the Linaro kernel to enable their new hardware to boot 'out-of-the-box' with Linaro. * davidrusling asked about the status of OMAP WRT to upstream. amitk explained that about 700 patches are not upstream for OMAP4 but OMAP3 is in a much better position. TI have recently added patches for the Panda board to the linux-omap tree. It is understood that around half of the 700 patches will need some work to upstream. npitre said that he is willing to take large chunks of code as long as it merges nicely. * [ACTION] amitk to report back the status on linux-omap's patches. * The issue of keeping a stable kernel tree was discussed. One possible solution was to have two tree's, one that will constantly rebase with upstream and continue to fold new code in with a second tree being more 'tried and tested' which could be used as a basis for release. The details still need working out. * jcrigby is currently packaging Linux versatile but the patches to enable QEMU support for versatile aren't available in Linaro ATM. lool asked if we need to keep versatile support, jk explained that keeping it would be a good idea as its currently used. A final decision needs to be made after investigations. * [ACTION] jcrigby to determine if versatile is still needed. * Arnd Bergmann joined the work group this week, he introduced himself and explained that he would be working on QEMU initially. * Kernel power management discussion will be removed from this work group as it has its own now. * npitre explained that one of his work items on the missing security features was blocking on toolchain support. lool asked npitre to file a bug. * [ACTION] lool to check that -fpie support is currently enabled in the Linaro kernel. * npitre is monitoring ericm's patches for a single zImage kernel. He believes that some patches are simple enough to get upstream. * [ACTION] npitre and arnd to review ericm's single zImage patches. * [ACTION] ericm to send single zImage patches to russelking after they have been reviewed. * mwaddel explained that there is no support for mmc on the versatile express boards. This needed adding. * Future tracking of uboot work will be discussed on the call from the future. * [ACTION] jcrigby and lool to arrange a uboot specific call for interested team members.
Regards, Jamie.