Hi. I'm trying to track down the sources that made the U-Boot and U-Boot SPL for the beagle 1201 release image: http://releases.linaro.org/images/12.01/oneiric/nano/ sources.txt says that's this hwpack: http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/ubuntu/oneiric-hwpacks/ but the manifest.txt there: http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/ubuntu/oneiric-hwpacks/hwpack_linaro-omap3_... only says: u-boot-tools=2011.06-3ubuntu1
and doesn't say where I should find this version of the package.
I guessed that it might be the u-boot package 2011.06-3ubuntu1 from oneiric, but that does not seem to contain the SPL code, so I'm guessing it's the wrong one. (Also U-Boot announces itself as "U-Boot 2011.12 (Jan 22 2012 - 00:52:03)" so that manifest is clearly a load of rubbish...)
Can anybody help?
thanks in advance -- PMM