On Wed, Feb 09, 2011 at 05:31:07PM +0100, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
Ok. This sounds like a lot of upfront work indeed, to make KMS more generic, though I think a number of driver would benefit from it eventually. It could be something for the Linaro graphics working group to look at in the following 11.11 release, depending on how many other people are interested in getting there.
There is already a blueprint at linaro: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-graphics-wg/+spec/multimedia-linaro-...
We have recently tested the state of Qt acceleration on the MX51, in order to find out which is the best way to make use of the possibilities. However, at least at the moment this requires highly experimental Qt sceenegraph git branches, and even then it results in lower perfomance than with software rendering ...
But for the long term, the linaro blueprint looks like the way to go.