== Progress ==
* OE (CARD-787) (10%) * debug grub gcc ICE with TCWG ( https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1254) * Add full wget to LAMP image (https://bugs.linaro.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1288 )
* DEVPLAT-265 (meta-aarch64) (60%) * Delete obsolete bbappends * Try to upstream changes (again) * Split out meta-ilp32
* DEVPLAT-337 (meta-bigendian) (20%) * Delete obsolete bbappends * Try to upstream changes (again)
* DEVPLAT-332 (uefi) (5%) * Recipe for hikey created and working
* 96borads (5%) * Rebase to 4.0rc3 * Update meta-96boards layer * Discuss kernel tree * Triage bugs
== Plans ==
* DEVPLAT-332 (uefi) * Expand recipe to build for all uefi-linaro targets
* DEVPLAT-337 (meta-bigendian) * Delete obsolete bbappends * Try to upstream changes
* 96borads * integrate wilink MAC address fix from Fathi into meta-96boards * Wait for 4.0 targeted patches from hisilicon