On Tue, Mar 08, 2011 at 11:44:36PM +0800, Shawn Guo wrote:
On 8 March 2011 18:52, Loïc Minier loic.minier@linaro.org wrote:
On Tue, Mar 08, 2011, Shawn Guo wrote:
Have a look at the /dev/sdb change in device report before and after the command you suggest ...
Interesting :-)
But the linaro-media-create "size" output is probably broken for the same reason: sdb appears to be unavailable for some time after changing the partition table:
Are you 100% sure, on selecting [/dev/sdb] (y/n)? n r65073@S2101-09:~/image/linaro$ sudo parted -s /dev/sdb mklabel msdos && sudo sfdisk -L /dev/sdb /dev/sdb: No medium found
sfdisk: cannot open /dev/sdb read-write
That's pretty convincing to me; anything relevant in dmesg?
We could do something like the attached shell script; would you mind running it to confirm this works without removing/reinserting the MMC? I'm curious to see how much time your drive needs to come back.
I'm scanning all 7 cards I have with the script wait_device, each card with 10 iterations of the test.
- Transend 4GB SD
- SanDisk 2GB SD
- KingMax MMC Mobile 2GB
All above 3 cards passed the test with giving "Could list partitions after 0 seconds!"
- SanDisk 4GB SD
- SanDisk 4GB SD
- SanDisk 4GB SD
- SanDisk 4GB SD
All above 4 cards failed with giving "Giving up after 30 seconds failing to list partitions". The interesting thing is it does not always fail from the beginning. Some cards can even pass the test for 4~5 iterations, and then start failing. If it starts failing, it always fails until I remove the card and replug it.
Here are two more tests I will do.
- With adding two sleep(5) in partitions.py that Zygmunt suggests, I
will run l-m-c on the failing card to see if it can get through.
As I replied Zygmunt in another message, it still fails at 'mkimage: Write error ...'.
- With the original l-m-c installation, I will run l-m-c on one of
card 1) ~ 3), probably 1) to see how l-m-c goes with the card passed wait_device.
It works good on card #1, and system boots on mx51evk board.
I also did the third test below suggested by Zygmunt and David on IRC.
* Create image_file and dd it to failing card
I did it on the failing card I used to report the issue originally, and it works no problem, and system boots on mx51evk board.