To minimise the impact of the switch to Linaro toolchain 1109, I am tracking gcc tip code and building Android tip code against it, which, with the aim of finding and fixing problems as early as possible, is part of BP https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-integra.... These activities will keep going until gcc 1109 is released on 15th September.
The current revno of gcc 4.6 is 106800, whose code can be downloaded by running "bzr branch lp:gcc-linaro/4.6" and whose build can be found at https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/android-gcc-4.6-code-tip-w... . The gcc build has already been patched with http://people.linaro.org/~bernhardrosenkranzer/gcc-4.6-11.08-bug50116.patch http://people.linaro.org/~bernhardrosenkranzer/gcc-4.6-11.08-bug50266.patch
The various Android builds against gcc 4.6 tip build can be found below. The builds for panda and leb-panda have been tested and both of them work fine.
[beagle] https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/beagle/
[leb-snowball] https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/leb-snowball/
[leb-imx53] https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/leb-imx53/
[leb-origen] https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/leb-origen/
[leb-panda] -- verified working fine https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/leb-panda/
[panda] -- verified working fine https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~chaoyang/panda/
Should you have any problems, please feel free to let me know. Thanks.