On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Christian Robottom Reis kiko@linaro.org wrote:
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 06:04:33PM +0530, Amit Kucheria wrote:
Hello Everyone,
The minutes of the weekly call can be found at: https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/PowerManagement/Meetings/2010-11-17
Attendees: Dave Rusling, Amit Kucheria, Amit Kachhap, Vincent, Yong and Vishwa
Highlight: Status of medium-priority blueprints
Regards, Amit Arora
Amit, I know it's past beer-o-clock on a Friday, but why are you signing your email as Amit Arora? Thank goodness there are only 3 Amits in that WG..
Sigh... The perils of making changes to older email