+++ Nicolas Dechesne [2014-02-11 09:24 -0700]:
Le 11 f�vr. 2014 09:18, "Wookey" <[1]wookey@wookware.org> a �crit :
Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings. Could we have a 'test/corridor/watercooler/coffeemachine' hangout somewhere for people to test if it's working for them today?
What kind of problems do you observe? With the exception of hangout plugin that broke in debian/sid a couple of months ago (libudev problem) i don't remember seeing any issues at all (100% on linux)...
Personally I've had a lot of trouble with audio out. It's worked at maybe 75% of the meetings over the last year. It was fine last week, but this week I got no video out, no audio out (because I think it's only my camera mic that works), and chat with 20seconds lag. Trying my laptop instead, that wouldn't even connect (this was a particularly bad week!).
I regularly see other people in hangouts with broken audio either in or out, so it's not just me (and this test hangout wasn't actually my suggestion - I'm just forwaring it as it seemed like a good idea)
I have lots of problems with skype, though... But that's a different topic ;)
I'd much prefer to use SIP/XMPP over WebRTC or Jitsi or similar, but as you say that's a different topic (and to be honest, I'm not sure it'll necessarily work any better at this stage, but it would give a great deal more flexibility, and get one more annoying proprietary blob that doesn't even work very well, off my box).