in meta-linaro-toolchain (dylan branch), the recipe points to gcc-linaro-4.7 from 1304 release:
However that file seems to have be removed/cleaned from where the recipe expects it:
As such anyone build against that branch will now fails.
That brings some questions: - How do we want to deal with that situation? Is ( http://snapshots.linaro.org/openembedded/sources) guaranteed to always keep all tarballs, forever? Or should we put such tarballs in such a place (and update recipes accordingly)? There can be non Linaro users of our layers (it's even referenced publicly here: http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/layer/meta-linaro-toolchain/)
- most of the recent commits seem to go to master, not dylan. so it clearly stated somewhere what our official requirements/committments are wrt to OE branch support?