Hi there. I have a style question. For the pre-built versions of gcc-linaro, should we release a i686 version that also runs on x86_64, or do separate i686 and x86_64 builds?
If we do just an i686 version then: * There's less to test * There's one 'linux' binary so less confusion on what to download and a simpler download page * Most end users will already have the 32 bit libraries due to Skype or Flash
but it has some downsides: * May not work 'out of the box' * Cryptic failures if you don't have the 32 bit libraries installed * Some users can't install extra packages and may not be allowed the 32 bit libraries
There's no real performance or compatibility advantage in also having an x86_64 build.
Any thoughts? I quite like having an i686 only build but am worried about the initial experience.
-- Michael