While I'm at LinuxCon the 17th-19th and on a mini-break the 22nd-24th please bring any urgent issues up with Frans Gifford.
For the release,
Our RC builds for Panda, Panda-Stage, Beagle, Snowball-Stage, Origen-Stage and iMX53-Stage will be out by the 22nd at 16:00 UTC and a final build will be built by the 25th at 16:00 UTC.
Patrik will be building and testing Panda, Panda-Stage, and Beagle Botao will be building and testing the Origen-Stage Bernhard will be building and testing the iMX53 Mathieu will be building and testing for Snowball
For any Android PM or Release Management related items please continue to contact Tony Mansson.
For the release week we also have the following support available:
Shifts are UTC 00-08, 08-16, 16-24
22nd: 1st: <botao> 2nd: <patrik> 3rd: <fgiff> 23rd: 1st: <mansson> 2nd: <fgiff> 3rd: <bero> 24th: 1st: <botao> 2nd: <cyang> 3rd: <bero>
Our RC release should contain everything except the 11.08 toolchain. Our final final release will contain the toolchain.