Aneesh V wrote:
On Wednesday 16 March 2011 07:14 PM, Ulrich Weigand wrote:
The R_ARM_THM_CALL marks the branch instruction as still to be
by the final link step. And once you actually *perform* the final
e.g. via "gcc -o final a.out", the branch gets indeed converted to a
by the linker for me:
This doesn't seem to be happening with U-boot. In U-boot, the situation is like this:
U-Boot builds multiple individual libraries and finally link them together. The call to the API and the weakly linked implementation is in one library(libarmv7.o), while the real implementation in assembly is in another library(libomap4.o). Here are the relevant contents of these libraries and the final image "u-boot" for your reference:
liarmv7.o: 000001b6 <arm_init_before_mmu>: }
void arm_init_before_mmu(void) { 1b6: b508 push {r3, lr} v7_outer_cache_enable(); 1b8: f7ff fffe bl 1f0 <__v7_outer_cache_enable> 1b8: R_ARM_THM_CALL v7_outer_cache_enable
libomap4.o: 0000111c <v7_outer_cache_enable>:
.globl v7_outer_cache_enable v7_outer_cache_enable: MOV r0, #1 111c: e3a00001 mov r0, #1 B set_pl310_ctrl_reg 1120: eafffff9 b 110c <set_pl310_ctrl_reg>
u-boot: void arm_init_before_mmu(void) { 80100636: b508 push {r3, lr} v7_outer_cache_enable(); 80100638: f001 f998 bl 8010196c <_end+0xfffaf2a4>
Here are the intermediate link commands used for the libraries: arm-linux-gnueabi-ld -r -o libarmv7.o cpu.o cache_v7.o syslib.o arm-linux-gnueabi-ld -r -o libomap4.o board.o mem.o sys_info.o ...
Well, those aren't really "libraries" strictly speaking, since they are build with "ld -r", so they're actually just regular object files. But that doesn't really matter one way or the other ...
Here is the final link command(shortened and line-wrapped in the interest of readability - attaching the full build log): UNDEF_SYM=`arm-linux-gnueabi-objdump -x arch/arm/cpu/armv7/libarmv7.o arch/arm/cpu/armv7/omap4/libomap4.o arch/arm/lib/libarm.o | sed -n -e 's/.*(__u_boot_cmd_.*)/-u\1/p'|sort|uniq`; cd /home/a0393566local /u-boot-denx-bak && arm-linux-gnueabi-ld -pie -Bstatic -T -Ttext 0x80100000 $UNDEF_SYM arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.o --start-group arch/arm/cpu/armv7/libarmv7.o arch/arm/cpu/armv7/omap4/libomap4.o arch/arm/lib/libarm.o --end-group /home/a0393566local/u-boot-denx-bak /arch/arm/lib/eabi_compat.o -L /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.5.2 -lgcc -Map -o u-boot
I don't know what the UNDEF_SYM is about. Do you think that could be creating a problem?
I can't see how ... this just adds a bunch of undefined symbols via -u options, which presumably causes some objects to be pulled into the final link that otherwise wouldn't be.
I've tried to recreate the problem using the specific linker options (-pie and -Bstatic), but that didn't make any difference for me; it still resolved the branch to a blx.
This is now looking more like U-Boot build infrastructure issue. Maybe, I should take this up in the U-Boot mailing list now?
I can see two options here: either there's something weird going on in one of the parts I cannot reproduce, or else there's some bug in the version of the linker you're using. So I'm wondering:
- Can you send me the full set of files (.o files, linker script, exact full command line etc.) for me to be able to run the actual link command myself?
- What version of the linker are you using? Can you retry the link on a native ARM Ubuntu Natty system using the system linker?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best Regards
Ulrich Weigand
-- Dr. Ulrich Weigand | Phone: +49-7031/16-3727 STSM, GNU compiler and toolchain for Linux on System z and Cell/B.E. IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Martin Jetter | Geschäftsführung: Dirk Wittkopp Sitz der Gesellschaft: Böblingen | Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 243294