On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 09:42:27AM +0300, Amit Kucheria wrote:
The problem, IMO, is that these are scattered all over the place and there are too many variations as we add new support. So the documentation will always be out of date.
Here is an example:
I find out that snapshots.linaro.org provides dailies. But I want to test the official beta. Where are the milestone releases? Ok, lets go to wiki.linaro.org, click on Developer, scroll down to the bottom, click on Beta milestone, find nothing there, come back, click on Releases/1011/Beta Scenario 1: only Beagleboard and Versatile express images listed there. Hmm, i thought we supported IGEPv2 as well. Abort. (Obviously, I don't read the NEWS section) Scenario 2: I want to test my i.MX51 Babbage board, doesn't seem to be supported easily. Abort (I read NEWS, but have no clue how to modify the image) Scenario 3: I want to test my beagleboard. Takes me to a completely different website (releases.linaro.org)
The solution to the use cases you describe above should now be:
* Go to http://wiki.linaro.org * Click the Developers link * Read a couple of paragraphs, especially the "Obtaining and Testing Linaro Images" section. * Choose whether you want to test daily builds: * http://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/DailyBuilds * Milestone builds: * http://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/MilestoneBuilds * Or the official releases: * http://wiki.linaro.org/Releases/OfficalReleases
These pages show (in graphical format) how to obtain, install and test the images. There are links off to the various pages that make sense where appropriate. We could extend the pages by having explicit sections on exactly how to install on a particular platform, but these sections would grow as more and more platforms are supported. I don't have a problem with that but I would hope that linaro-media-create can handle board specifics so we don't have to document them.
Take a look. Is this any better? How can it be improved?
Regards, Amit
Regards, Jamie.