Hi folks,
I've been working on this app[1] (based on Patchwork) to track patches submitted/accepted upstream by Linaro engineers. It's still a work in progress and we're waiting for IS to deploy it but I wanted to show you what I have so far and ask for feedback, so I've deployed it on an ec2 instance:
As you'll notice, that's the same front page you get on a regular Patchwork instance, which allows you to browse the patches of every project. You probably won't have to use that often, as everything you need to deal with should be on the page below:
This one contains all patches you submitted that haven't received feedback yet. We want that to reflect reality to make sure our metrics are accurate, so we already have a script to mark the ones that are committed upstream and may use a similar approach to track rejected/superseded ones, but for now we'll need to manually mark the rejected/superseded ones.
The script mentioned above will scan a git repo for each project and update the state of patches that are found to be committed there, but it's not running yet as first I need to know the git (http works too) URL of every project listed there. if you know it for any of them, please do let me know.
Finally, the page below has some basic metrics to demo how we'll be using this data
Some things to notice:
- This is a temporary deployment, so don't bother making changes (other than those when playing around) as those will probably be lost
- Login via OpenID using the Launchpad login service, so there's no need to register
- Not all of your patches may be shown under /user/submitted. if that's the case, make sure all your email addresses are registered in Launchpad as we're sucking that data from there periodically and the next time we do so we'll merge all your email addresses under a single user
- Some numbers in /metrics are skewed because of patches that have multiple versions; you'll be asked to flag superseded versions so that they're not included in the counts, and you're encouraged to do so for some of them to see how it works, but given that changes will be lost, don't bother doing it for more than a few
- The other-unknown project is where we put patches for which we can't guess a project. - in some cases this is because the patches are sent only to patches@linaro.org so they need to be manually moved to the appropriate project (there's a form at the bottom of every patch list which allow you to do that). - in other cases it's because we're missing a project in patchwork. if that's the case we can register that project and there's a script which runs periodically and will move these patches to the new project
[1] https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Infrastructure/Specs/PatchTracking