On Wed, Aug 04, 2010, Dechesne, Nicolas wrote:
Package: titiler-memmgr Binary: titiler-memmgr, titiler-memmgr-dev, titiler-memmgr-tests Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), quilt, libtool
Package: tisyslink-lib Binary: tisyslink-lib, tisyslink-lib-dev, tisyslink-lib-tests Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), libtool, titiler-memmgr-dev (>= 0.24.8)
Package: tisyslink-d2cmap Binary: tisyslink-d2cmap, tisyslink-d2cmap-dev, tisyslink-d2cmap-tests Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), libtool, titiler-memmgr-dev (>= 0.24.7), tisyslink-lib-dev (>= 0.24.7)
$ xdeb -a armel --apt-source --sequence titiler-memmgr Build sequence: titiler-memmgr
xdeb decides that all build-depends don't need to be cross-built, so it will just cross-build titiler-memmgr.
$ xdeb -a armel --apt-source --sequence tisyslink-lib Build sequence: tisyslink-lib*
xdeb decides that all build-depends don't need to be cross-built, so it will just cross-build tisyslink-lib. This is because the name "titiler-memmgr-dev" in build-deps isn't recognized as something which needs to be cross-built. See is_crossable() for the current heuristics.
As a workaround, you can list the package in the whitelist in /etc/xdeb/xdeb.cfg or in ~/.xdeb/xdeb.cfg.
I can't comment on whether the package should be cross-built or not without knowing what's in the package, nor on whether the name "titiler-memmgr-dev".
$ xdeb -a armel --apt-source --sequence tisyslink-d2cmap Build sequence: tisyslink-lib* tisyslink-d2cmap*
Same as above for the titiler-memmgr-dev build-dep, but the tisyslink-lib-dev build-dep is believed to be crossable ("if 'lib' in pkg").